Søk: 'Dynamics of Intercultural Communication'
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics : SI version
ISBN 9780471058106 , 1980 , J. L. Meriam
New Developments in Computational Fluid Dynamics: Proceedings of the Sixth International Nobeyama Workshop on the New Century of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Nobeyama, Japan, April 21 to 24, 2003
ISBN 9783540274070 , 2005 , Kozo Fujii, Kazuhiro Nakahashi, Shigeru Obayashi,m.fl.
Culturally speaking: culture, communication and politeness theory
ISBN 9780826493101 , 2008 , Helen Spencer-Oatey
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics Si and Study Pack
ISBN 9780131287150 , 2004 , R.C. Hibbeler
The Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780333689622 , 2004 , Marc Williams, Robert O\'Brien
Business English and Communication
ISBN 9780070614208 , 1984 , McGraw-Hill, Marie M. Stewart, Kenneth Zimmer,m.fl.
Group Dynamics In Occupational Therapy: The Theoretical Basis And Practice Application Of Group Intervention
ISBN 9781556426872 , 2005
The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies
ISBN 9780803977945 , 1994 , Helga Nowotny, Peter Scott, Michael Gibbons,m.fl.
Group Processes: Dynamics Within and Between Groups
ISBN 9780631184966 , 1999 , Rupert Brown
McQuail's Reader in Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761972433 , 2002 , Denis McQuail
Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sport Psychology: Contemporary Themes
ISBN 9780415426657 , 2007
The New Public: Professional Communication and the Means of Social Influence
ISBN 9780521484930 , 1997 , Jeffrey C. Alexander, Steven Seidman,m.fl.
Foundations of Communication Policy: Principles and Process in the Regulation of Electronic Media
ISBN 9781572733435 , 2001 , Philip M. Napoli
Study Guide to Accompany Dynamics of International Relations, by Walter C. Clemens Jr.
ISBN 9780742529984 , 2003 , James P. Davis, Jr. Clemens Walter C.
Online Course Pack: Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics with OneKey CourseCompass, Student Access Kit, Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics
ISBN 9781405836821 , 2005 , Wallace L. Fowler, Anthony Bedford
Lesikar's Business Communication: Connecting in a Digital World
ISBN 9780073377797 , 2010 , Raymond V. Lesikar, Marie E. Flatley, Paula Lentz,m.fl.
Lesikar's Business Communication: Connecting in a Digital World
ISBN 9780071220972 , 2010 , Marie E. Flatley, Paula Lentz, Kathryn Rentz
The New Handbook of Organizational Communication: Advances in Theory, Research, and Methods
ISBN 9781412915250 , 2005 , Fredric M. Jablin, Linda L. Putnam
Communication And Social Cognition: Theories And Methods
ISBN 9780805853551 , 2007
Dynamics and Policy Implications of the Global Reforms at the End of the Second Millennium
ISBN 9789004118478 , 2000 , Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasonga
Assets, Beliefs, and Equilibria in Economic Dynamics: Essays in Honor of Mordecai Kurz
ISBN 9783540009115 , 2003 , Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Kenneth J. Arrow,m.fl.
Analogue and Digital Communication
ISBN 9780471326618 , 1977 , W.David Gregg
Communication theories: perspectives, processes, and contexts
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Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics: Basic Theory and Advanced Methods
ISBN 9780521898638 , 2009 , Dominik Marx, Jürg Hutter
A Graph-theoretic Approach to Enterprise Network Dynamics
ISBN 9780817644857 , 2007 , H. Bunke, Peter J. Dickinson, Miro Kraetzl,m.fl.
Systems Thinking, System Dynamics: Managing Change and Complexity
ISBN 9781877371035 , 2007 , Kambiz E. Maani, Robert Y. Cavana
Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780135031742 , 2009 , Sidney I. Dobrin, Christian R. Weisser,m.fl.
The New Consultation: Developing Doctor-Patient Communication
ISBN 9780192632883 , 2003 , David Pendleton, Theo Schofield, Dr. Peter Tate,m.fl.
Counseling in Communication Disorders: A Wellness Perspective
ISBN 9781597560498 , 2007 , Audrey Holland
Spatial dynamics of European integration: regional and policy issues at the turn of the century
ISBN 9783540658177 , 1999 , Manfred M. Fischer, Peter Nijkamp