Søk: 'Economics of health care'
The Economics of Contracts: Theories and Applications
ISBN 9780521893138 , 2002 , Eric Brousseau, Jean-Michel Glachant
Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care
ISBN 9780750688963 , 2007
The Scale and Scope of Economics
ISBN 9780952673620 , 1995 , A.C. Sturt
ISBN 9780237499129 , 1977 , A.E. Obone
The Economics of Leisure and Sport
ISBN 9781861524997 , 1994 , Cooke
Basic Environmental Health
ISBN 9780195135589 , 2001 , Annalee Yassi, Tord Kjellstrom, Theo de Kok,m.fl.
Natural Resource Economics: An Introduction
ISBN 9781577665311 , 2014 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
ISBN 9789240560208 , 2002 , UNAIDS, Who, World Health Organization
Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, Business School
ISBN 9781408245859 , 2009 , Frederic S. Mishkin
Health and Disease
ISBN 9788178792736 , 2006 , Edward John Tilt
Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics
ISBN 9780324145809 , 2002 , David Ray Anderson, Thomas Arthur Williams,m.fl.
The Economics of European Integration. Richard Baldwin and Charles Wyplosz
ISBN 9780077131722 , 2012 , Charles Wyplosz, Richard E Baldwin
Occupational Therapy in the Promotion of Health and Wellness
ISBN 9780803611931 , 2009 , Marjorie E. Scaffa, Michael A. Pizzi
Animal Science: The Biology, Care, and Production of Domestic Animals
ISBN 9780073661759 , 2008 , John Roy Campbell, John F. Lasley, Karen Campbell,m.fl.
Health and Development: The Role of International Organizations
ISBN 9781403947376 , 2008 , Anna Gatti, Sir Andrea Boggio
Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780781766166 , 2008 , Carol Porth, Glenn Matfin
Dear Nel: Opening the Circles of Care (Letters to Nel Noddings)
ISBN 9780807752982 , 2012 , Robert Lake, David Berliner
The economics of the welfare state
ISBN 9780804722063 , 1993 , N. A. Barr
Economics Explained
ISBN 9780003277586 , 2000 , Peter Maunder, Danny Myers, Nancy Wall
Medical Ethics in Palliative Care
ISBN 9781856422192 , 2006 , David Edwards
Global Engineering Economics:
ISBN 9780132071611 , 2009 , Niall M. Fraser, Elizabeth M. Jewkes,m.fl.
International Economics 7e
ISBN 9780415772860 , 2009 , 7. utgave , Theo S. Eicher, John H. Mutti,m.fl.
Valuing Children: Rethinking the Economics of the Family
ISBN 9780674047273 , 2010 , Nancy Folbre
Economics and Development Studies
ISBN 9780415450386 , 2010 , Andy Sumner, Michael Tribe, Frederick Nixson
Economics of the Public Sector
ISBN 9780471361831 , 1970 , Robert H. Haveman
Practical Public Health Nutrition
ISBN 9781444329223 , 2010 , Roger Hughes
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
ISBN 9789241545440 , 2001 , UNAIDS, Who, World Health Organization
The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521844154 , 2004 , Hal R. Varian, Carl Shapiro, Joseph Farrell
ISBN 9780901626011 , 1969 , Edward T. Nevin
International Economics: Theory and Policy
ISBN 9780321553980 , 2008 , Maurice Obstfeld, Paul Robin Krugman