Søk: 'Industrial Organization: Pearson New International Edition: Theory and Practice'
Child Perspectives and Children's Perspectives in Theory and Practice, 2
ISBN 9789048133161 , 2010 , Dion Sommer, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson,m.fl.
Mechanical Measurements: International Edition
ISBN 9780136093763 , 2008
Global Marketing Management: International Edition
ISBN 9780273768685 , 2013 , Svend Hollensen, Warren J. Keegan
Aerodynamics for Engineers, International Edition
ISBN 9780273793274 , 2013 , John J. Bertin, Russell Mark Cummings
Ecotourism in Scandinavia: Lessons in Theory And Practice
ISBN 9781845931346 , 2006 , Johan Hultman, Stefan Gèossling
Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms: Theory, Design and Practice
ISBN 9783540317586 , 2006
Applied Theatre: International Case Studies and Challenges for Practice
ISBN 9781841502816 , 2009 , Monica Prendergast, Juliana Saxton
Leadership in Organizations: International Edition
ISBN 9780138157142 , 2010 , Gary A. Yukl
Pregnant Men: Practice, Theory, and the Law
ISBN 9780253313713 , 1994 , Ruth Colker
Structured Computer Organization
ISBN 9780273769248 , 2012 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Principles of Biochemistry: International Edition
ISBN 9780321795793 , 2011 , Laurence A. Moran, David Rawn, Gray Scrimgeour,m.fl.
Essentials of Genetics: International Edition
ISBN 9780321877826 , 2012 , Michael A. Palladino, Charlotte A. Spencer,m.fl.
Corporate Strategy in Construction: Understanding Today's Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781405159128 , 2010
Operating Systems:Internals and Design Principles: International Edition
ISBN 9780131278370 , 2004 , William Stallings
Money, Banking and the Financial System, International Edition
ISBN 9781292000183 , 2013 , R. Glenn Hubbard
College Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice
ISBN 9780470448427 , 2010
The Working Alliance: Theory, Research, and Practice
ISBN 9780471546405 , 1994 , Leslie S. Greenberg, Adam O. Horvath
Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice
ISBN 9780787957155 , 2002 , Karen Glanz
Management Accounting: International Edition
ISBN 9780132427333 , 2007 , Robert S. Kaplan, Anthony A. Atkinson,m.fl.
Developing Sport Expertise: Researchers and Coaches Put Theory Into Practice
ISBN 9780415771870 , 2007 , Damian Farrow, Joseph Baker, Clare MacMahon
Little, Brown Handbook: International Edition
ISBN 9780205734962 , 2009 , Henry Ramsey Fowler, Jane E. Aaron
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra: International Edition
ISBN 9780138141028 , 2008 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards,m.fl.
Dispute processing and conflict resolution: theory, practice and policy
ISBN 9780754623052 , 2003 , Carrie Menkel-Meadow
Authentic Leadership Theory And Practice: Origins, Effects And Development
ISBN 9780762312375 , 2005 , William L. Gardner, Bruce J. Avolio,m.fl.
Knowledge and the Social Sciences: Theory, Method, Practice
ISBN 9780203392201 , 2004 , David S. Goldblatt
Youth in Society: Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice
ISBN 9781412900249 , 2004 , Jeremy Roche, Stan Tucker, Ronny Flynn,m.fl.
Implementing Organizational Change: International Edition
ISBN 9780132970174 , 2012 , Bert Spector
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, Third Edition
ISBN 9781439808214 , 2009 , 3. utgave , P.J. Fellows
Settings for health promotion: linking theory and practice
ISBN 9780803974180 , 2000 , Lawrence W. Green, Blake D. Poland, I. Rootman
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities
ISBN 9780137128334 , 2008 , S. Tamer Cavusgil, John R. Riesenberger,m.fl.