Søk: 'Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies'
Psychosocial Wellness of Refugees: Issues in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
ISBN 9781571812056 , 2000 , Frederick L. Ahearn
Scaling Procedures: Issues and Applications
ISBN 9780761920274 , 2003 , Subhash Sharma, Richard G. Netemeyer
American Studies Anthology (4)
ISBN 9780842028295 , 2001 , Richard P. Horwitz
The Meaning of Whitemen: Race and Modernity in the Orokaiva Cultural World
ISBN 9780226038919 , 2006 , Ira Bashkow
Valuepack:Brock Biology of Microorganisms:International Edition/Current Issues in Microbiology, Volume 1
ISBN 9781408207796 , 2008 , Scientific American, Michael T. Madigan,m.fl.
Modernism: A Cultural History
ISBN 9780745629834 , 2005 , Tim Armstrong
Texts in time: British cultural narratives from Defoe to Blair
ISBN 9788245002249 , 2005 , Annabelle Despard, Jan Erik Mustad, Ulla Rahbek
Attention, Space, and Action: Studies in Cognitive Neuroscience
ISBN 9780198524687 , 1999 , Glyn W. Humphreys, John Duncan, Anne Treisman
American Eloquence (Studies In American Political History), Volume I
ISBN 9781428046320 , 2006
American Eloquence (Studies In American Political History), Volume I
ISBN 9781428046313 , 2006
American Eloquence (Studies In American Political History), Volume II
ISBN 9781428046375 , 2006
Reinventing Film Studies
ISBN 9780340677230 , 2000 , Linda Williams, Christine Gledhill
Studies of Work and the Workplace in HCI: Concepts and Techniques
ISBN 9781598299878 , 2009 , Wes W. Sharrock, Graham Button, John M. Carroll
Parthenope: Selected Studies in Ancient Greek Fiction (1969-2004)
ISBN 9788772899077 , 2003 , Lars Boje Mortensen, Tormod Eide, Tomas Hägg
American Cultural Patterns: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
ISBN 9781877864018 , 1991 , Ed C. Stewart
The Performance Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415772754 , 2007 , Henry Bial
Cultural theory: an introduction
ISBN 9781405169073 , 2008 , Phil Smith, Philip Smith, Alexander Riley
Cultural Theory: An Anthology
ISBN 9781405180825 , 2010 , Imre Szeman, Timothy Kaposy
European Television in the Digital Age: Issues, Dyamnics and Realities
ISBN 9780745628721 , 2002 , Stylianos Papathanassopoulos
Fifteenth-Century Studies
ISBN 9781571132734 , 2003 , Edelgard E. DuBruck, Barbara I. Gusick,m.fl.
Same and Other: Negotiating African Identitity in Cultural Production
ISBN 9789171064776 , 2001 , Mai Palmberg, Maria Eriksson Baaz
Introduction to Travel and Tourism Marketing
ISBN 9780702156366 , 2001 , J. Alf Bennett, Johan Wilhelm Strydom
Heritage Studies: Methods and Approaches
ISBN 9780415431859 , 2009 , Marie Louise Stig Sa Rensen
An Introduction to Tourism and Anthropology
ISBN 9780415186278 , 1999 , Peter Burns
Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet: Religious Revival and Cultural Identity
ISBN 9780520211315 , 1998 , Matthew T. Kapstein, Melvyn C. Goldstein,m.fl.
Research Issues in the Learning and Teaching of Algebra
ISBN 9780805803549 , 1990 , Sigrid Wagner, Carolyn Kiernan,m.fl.
Cultural Diversity: Its Social Psychology
ISBN 9780631231233 , 2003 , Xenia Chryssochoou
Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot, Jane Austen: Studies in Their Works
ISBN 9781143067457 , 2010 , Henry Houston Bonnell
International Development Studies: Theories and Methods in Research and Practice
ISBN 9781412929448 , 2008 , Andy Sumner, Andrew Sumner, Michael A. Tribe
Critical Security Studies: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415484442 , 2010 , Columba Peoples, Nick Vaughan-Williams