Søk: 'Makers of Psychology: The Personal Factor'
Complete Psychology
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Abnormal Psychology
ISBN 9780534633653 , 2004 , David H. Barlow, Mark V. Durand
Cognitive Psychology
ISBN 9780155080577 , 2001 , Douglas L. Medin, Brian H. Ross
Essentials of Social Psychology with MyPsychLab Access Card
ISBN 9780273734598 , 2009 , Michael A. Hogg, Graham Vaughan
Exploring Social Psychology
ISBN 9780073531878 , 2007 , David G. Myers
The Handbook of Hearing and the Effects of Noise: Physiology, Psychology, and Public Health
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Cinematic projections: the analytical psychology of C.G. Jung and film theory
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Social Psychology & Individual Differences: Aqa (A) As Psychology
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An Introduction to Health Psychology
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Portraits of pioneers in psychology. 3
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The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work
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Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
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Abnormal Psychology: International Edition
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Abnormal Psychology
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Environmental Psychology
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Social Psychology
ISBN 9780761940449 , 2003 , Michael A. Hogg
Social Psychology
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A Study In Consciousness - A Contribution To The Science Of Psychology (1904)
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Psychology of Religion: Classic and Contemporary
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Valuepack: Foundations of Biopsychology with Psychology Dictionary
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Introduction to Statistics in Psychology
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Looking Forward Through the Lifespan: Developmental Psychology
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Abnormal Child Psychology
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European factor mobility: trends and consequences : proceedings of the Conference of the Confederation of European Economic Associations, University of Kent at Canterbury, 29 June-3 July 1986
ISBN 9780333459430 , 1989 , Ian Gordon, A. P. Thirlwall,m.fl.
A history of modern psychology
ISBN 9780126330427 , 1975 , Duane P. Schultz
Systems and Theories of Psychology
ISBN 9780030919862 , 1974 , James Patrick Chaplin, Theophile Stanley Krawiec
What the West Can Learn from the East: Asian Perspectives on the Psychology of Learning and Motivation
ISBN 9781593119874 , 2008 , Farideh Salili, Rumjahn Hoosain,m.fl.
Educational Psychology
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Social psychology
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Social Psychology
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