Søk: 'Marketing Management 7e +Spss CD Set (Wse)'
Marketing and the Internet
ISBN 9780130169754 , 2001 , Eloise Coupey
Instr CD-Calculus 6e
ISBN 9780495012221 , 2007 , 6. utgave , STEWART
Vamos 2: elev-CD
ISBN 9788202267421 , 2007 , Svein Halvorsen, Liv Kristiane Bugge,m.fl.
Marketing Communications: A Brand Narrative Approach
ISBN 9780470319925 , 2009 , Terry D. Smith
Events Management
ISBN 9780750665339 , 2006
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
ISBN 9781408088463 , 2014 , Arjan Van Weele
CIM Coursebook 08/09 Marketing Essentials
ISBN 9781856175036 , 2012
Architect's Essentials of Marketing
ISBN 9780471463641 , 2004 , David Koren
Analysis for Marketing Planning
ISBN 9780072865967 , 2004 , Donald R. Lehmann, Russell S. Winer
Build your business stronger and do it quickly!: sales, marketing, planning, management, finance, and more!
ISBN 9780966608571 , 2002
Sales Force Management: 11th Edition
ISBN 9780415534628 , 2013 , 11. utgave
Slack: Operations Management MyOMLab Pack
ISBN 9780273776291 , 2013 , Nigel Slack, Robert Johnston
Financial Institutions Management: a Risk Management Approach
ISBN 9780071289559 , 2010 , Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett
Advances in Services Marketing and Management: Research and Practice : A Research Annual, 1992
ISBN 9781559385435 , 1992 , Teresa A. Swartz, Stephen W. Brown,m.fl.
Ethics in Social Marketing
ISBN 9780878408207 , 2001 , Alan R. Andreasen
Marketing Research, 7th Edition
ISBN 9780471363408 , 2001 , 7. utgave , David A. Aaker, V. Kumar
Foundations of Marketing
ISBN 9780039227845 , 1992 , Beckman, M. Dale, Boone, Louis E, Kurtz, David L
Britannica CD 97
ISBN 9788257308056 , 1997 , Encyclopædia Britannica
Amigos uno: CD 1-2
ISBN 9788205327160 , 2012 , Angella Riquelme, Linda Salomonsen,m.fl.
International Financial Management
ISBN 9780132842983 , 2011 , Geert Bekaert, Robert J. Hodrick
ISBN 9789727575480
Nuclear and Radiochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications, 2 Volume Set
ISBN 9783527329014 , 2013 , Jens-Volker Kratz, Karl Heinrich Lieser
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy
ISBN 9780136107217 , 2010 , Christopher H. Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz
Visions 1; teacher's cd
ISBN 9788203143311 , 2006 , Hilde Hasselgård, Kristin Årskaug,m.fl.
Vamos 1: elev-CD
ISBN 9788202255909 , 2006 , Silvia Rovira, Svein Halvorsen,m.fl.
Modesty Blaise: The Gabriel Set-Up
ISBN 9781840236583 , 2004 , Peter O'Donnell, J. Holdaway
Applications in Basic Marketing 2006-2007 to Accompany Essentials of Marketing
ISBN 9780071116404 , 2006 , William D. Perreault Jr.
Retailing management
ISBN 9780073381046 , 2008 , Michael Levy, Barton A. Weitz
A Handbook of Marketing Mathematics: With Automatic Spreadsheets for Quantitative Marketing
ISBN 9781403342706 , 2003 , Rowland Chidomere
A Handbook of Marketing Mathematics: With Automatic Spreadsheets for Quantitative Marketing
ISBN 9781403342713 , 2003 , Rowland Chidomere