Søk: 'Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics'
Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics
ISBN 9780077302009 , 2009 , Michael E. Plesha, Gary Gray, Francesco Costanzo
Methods of Discovery: Heuristics for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780393978148 , 2004
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
ISBN 9780071289153 , 2010 , Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce Barrington Abbott
Case Study Research: Design and Methods
ISBN 9781412960991 , 2008 , Robert K. Yin
The Foundations of Arithmetic: A Logical-Mathematical Investigation Into the Concept of Number 1884
ISBN 9780321241894 , 2007 , Gottlob Frege
Research Methods in Psychology
ISBN 9780071086813 , 2011 , John J. Shaughnessy, Eugene B. Zechmeister
Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications
ISBN 9780071121965 , 2001 , Joseph B. Franzini, E. John Finnemore
Social Research Methods
ISBN 9780199264469 , 2004 , Alan Bryman
Successful Direct Marketing Methods
ISBN 9780071458290 , 2008
Classical Theories in International Relations
ISBN 9780333746462 , 1999 , Iver B. Neumann
Interactions of Classical and Numerical Algebraic Geometry: A Conference in Honor of Andrew Sommese, Interactions of Classical and Numerical Algebraic Geometry, May 22-24 2008, University of Notre Dame, Notre D
ISBN 9780821847466 , 2009 , Daniel J. Bates, GianMario Besana,m.fl.
An Introduction to Classical Rhetoric: Essential Readings
ISBN 9781405158602 , 2009 , James Dale Williams
The Pursuit of History: Aims, Methods and New Directions in the Study of Modern History
ISBN 9780582894129 , 2009 , John Tosh
Engineering Mechanics: Statics in SI Units Pack
ISBN 9789810681364 , 2009 , Russell C. Hibbeler
The Pocket Oxford Classical Greek Dictionary
ISBN 9780198605126 , 2002 , James Morwood, John Taylor
A Classical mind: essays in honour of C.A.R. Hoare
ISBN 9780132948449 , 1994 , A. W. Roscoe
Research Methods in Psychology: Investigating Human Behavior
ISBN 9781412960496 , 2011 , Paul G. Nestor
Celts and the Classical world
ISBN 9780415150903 , 1996 , David Ivan Rankin, H. David Rankin
Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications
ISBN 9780470637647 , 2011 , Marvin Rausand
Handbook of research methods in clinical psychology
ISBN 9780471295099 , 1999 , Philip C. Kendall, James Neal Butcher,m.fl.
Deception and Democracy in Classical Athens
ISBN 9780521028714 , 2006 , Jon Hesk
Classical Art: From Greece to Rome
ISBN 9780192842374 , 2001 , John Henderson, Mary Beard
A History of Western Philosophy: The classical mind
ISBN 9780155383128 , 1969 , W.T. Jones, Robert Fogelin
Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis
ISBN 9780195123548 , 1998 , George R. Cooper, Clare D. McGillem
Design Methods
ISBN 9780471284963 , 1992 , John Chris Jones, J.Christopher Jones
Research Methods
ISBN 9780534176464 , 1994 , Donald H. McBurney, Patrick Middleton
Methods in Psychological Research
ISBN 9781412977883 , 2010 , Annabel Ness Evans, Bryan J. Rooney
Research Methods in Psychology
ISBN 9780857022639 , 2012 , Jonathan A. Smith, Daniel B. Wright
Methods in Behavioral Research
ISBN 9780071314893 , 2012 , Paul C. Cozby
Social Work Methods and Skills: The Essential Foundations of Practice
ISBN 9780230575172 , 2011 , Karen Healy