Søk: 'Political Writings'
After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy
ISBN 9780691122489 , 2005 , Robert O. Keohane
A Political and Social History of Modern Europe: V1
ISBN 9781414253435 , 2005 , J. H. Hayes Carlton
A Political and Social History of Modern Europe: V1
ISBN 9781414253442 , 2005 , J. H. Hayes Carlton
Changing Parties: An Anthropology of British Political Party Conferences
ISBN 9781403904621 , 2005 , Florence Faucher-King
Restructuring the Welfare State: Political Institutions and Policy Change
ISBN 9780312296285 , 2002 , Bo Rothstein, Sven Steinmo
Beyond Democracy in Cambodia: Political Reconstruction in a Post-conflict Society
ISBN 9788776940430 , 2009
e-Study Guide for: Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics by Robert OBrien, ISBN 9781137287366
ISBN 9781137287366 , 2013 , Robert O'Brien, Marc Williams
A history of political thought: from antiquity to the present
ISBN 9780745640846 , 2008 , Bruce Haddock
The Political and Economic Dimensions of Modernity
ISBN 9780745609621 , 1992 , John Allen, Stuart Hall, Peter Braham, Paul Lewis
A Grundtvig anthology: selections from the writings of N.F.S. Grundtvig [1783-1872]
ISBN 9780227678855 , 1984 , A. Grundtvig
History of Western Political Thought: A Thematic Introduction, Second Edition
ISBN 9781403935335 , 2005 , 2. utgave , John Morrow
A Political Economy Analysis of China's Civil Aviation Industry
ISBN 9780415934268 , 2002 , Mark Dougan
Individualization: Institutionalized Individualism and Its Social and Political Consequences
ISBN 9780761961116 , 2002 , Ulrich Beck, Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim
Mobilizing Islam: Religion, Activism, and Political Change in Egypt
ISBN 9780231125734 , 2002 , Carrie Rosefsky Wickham
Return to diversity: a political history of East Central Europe since World War II
ISBN 9780195334753 , 2007 , Joseph Rothschild, Nancy M. Wingfield
Western Europe Since 1945: A Political History
ISBN 9780582495111 , 1989 , Derek W. Urwin, Professor Derek W Urwin
The Oglala People, 1841-1879: A Political History
ISBN 9780803287587 , 1996 , Catherine Price
Individualization: Institutionalized Individualism and its Social and Political Consequences
ISBN 9780761961123 , 2001 , Ulrich Beck, Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim
Citizen Politics: Public Opinion and Political Parties In Advanced Industrial Democracies, 5th Edition
ISBN 9780872895379 , 2008 , 5. utgave
Studyguide for International Political Economy by Thomas Oatley, ISBN 9780205723775: 9780205723775
ISBN 9781617443800 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
A Political Theory of Identity in European Integration: Memory and Policies
ISBN 9780415562911 , 2010 , Catherine Guisan
Encyclopaedia Of Great Indian Political Thinkers (Set Of 10 Vols.)
ISBN 9788126135097 , 2007 , M.K. Singh, M.K.
An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Oeconomy
ISBN 9781851962464 , 1998 , James Steuart, Andrew S. Skinner,m.fl.
Copyrighting Culture: The Political Economy of Intellectual Property
ISBN 9780813333045 , 1996 , Ronald V. Bettig
Asia Pacific And Human Rights: A Global Political Economy Perspective
ISBN 9780754636298 , 2004 , Paul Close, David Askew
Political Parties and Electoral Change: Party Responses to Electoral Markets
ISBN 9780761947196 , 2004 , Fritz Plasser
The Illustrated Koka Shastra: Being the Retirahasya of Kokkoka and Other Medieval Writings on Love
ISBN 9781857324402 , 2002 , Kokkoka
The text of the fourth Gospel in the writings of Origen. 1 (1992)
ISBN 9781555407896 , 1992 , D. Ehrman Bart, D. Fee Gordon
Class, Nation and Identity: The Anthropology of Political Movements
ISBN 9780745316710 , 2003
Changing organizations: business networks in the new political economy
ISBN 9780813334530 , 2000 , David Knoke