Søk: 'Principles of marketing'
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
ISBN 9780077107376 , 2003 , G. Rizzoni
The Principles of Learning and Behavior
ISBN 9780534561567 , 2003 , Barbara Burkhard, Michael P Domjan, James W. Grau
Marketing to Moviegoers: A Handbook of Strategies and Tactics, Third Edition
ISBN 9780809331963 , 2013 , 3. utgave
Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extension
ISBN 9781111525514 , 2011 , Christopher (Christopher Mark) Snyder
Marketing Research: Tools & Techniques
ISBN 9780199281961 , 2007
Strategic Relationship Marketing
ISBN 9788759308400 , 2002 , Mogens Bjerre, Søren Hougaard
Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology, Ninth Edition
ISBN 9780071499927 , 2009 , 9. utgave , Allan H. Ropper, Raymond Delacy Adams,m.fl.
Principles of Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
ISBN 9780070166974 , 2009 , William Cyrus Navidi
Intl Stdt Ed-Principles of Instrumental Analysis
ISBN 9780495125709 , 2006 , Stanley R. Crouch, Douglas A. Skoog,m.fl.
Genetics: Analysis & Principles
ISBN 9780071287647 , 2008 , Robert J. Brooker
Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis
ISBN 9783540971191 , 1990 , Andrew D. Miall
Global Marketing: Foreign Entry, Local Marketing & Global Management
ISBN 9780071169615 , 2000 , Johny K. Johansson
Cellini and the Principles of Sculpture
ISBN 9780521813211 , 2002 , Michael W. Cole
Poetry and Advertising: Principles of Communication
ISBN 9783826599606 , 2002 , Tania Christidis
Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry.
ISBN 9780521658737 , 2000 , John M. Walker, Keith Wilson
Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition
ISBN 9780748407361 , 2000 , 4. utgave , John A. Timbrell
International Marketing and Export Management
ISBN 9780273743880 , 2011 , Gerald S. Albaum, Edwin Duerr
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9780702177392 , 2009 , Annekie Brink, Adele Berndt
Principles of Macroeconomics, Plus MyEconLab with Pearson Etext
ISBN 9780273791171 , 2013 , Karl E. Case, Sharon M. Oster
Chemical Principles
ISBN 9780618152568 , 2002 , Steven S. Zumdahl
Campaigns and Political Marketing
ISBN 9780789032096 , 2006 , Wayne P. Steger, Sean Q. Kelly, J. Mark Wrighton
Campaigns and Political Marketing
ISBN 9780789032102 , 2006 , Wayne P. Steger, Sean Q. Kelly, J. Mark Wrighton
Albert & Jakobiec's principles and practice of ophthalmology
ISBN 9781416000167 , 2008 , Frederick A. Jakobiec, Joan Whitten Miller
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
ISBN 9781434670663 , 2008 , David Hume
AN Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
ISBN 9781604595383 , 2008 , David Hume
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th Edition
ISBN 9780071466332 , 2008 , 17. utgave , Eugene Braunwald, Joseph Loscalzo, Anthony Fauci,m.fl.
Principles and Practice of Research in Midwifery
ISBN 9780443101946 , 2006 , Elizabeth R. Cluett
Application of Some of the Principles of Heredity to Plant Breeding
ISBN 9781143358708 , 2010 , William Jasper Spillman
Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach
ISBN 9780273706830 , 2010 , Svend Hollensen
The Variational Principles of Mechanics
ISBN 9780486650678 , 1986 , CORNELIUS AUTOR LANCZOS