Søk: 'Production Management for Film and Video'
Advanced Models for Project Management
ISBN 9780792382225 , 1998 , Luís Valadares Tavares
Cost and Management Accounting: An Introduction for Students
ISBN 9781853960499 , 1989 , Alan Pizzey
Billable ISBN Video Lectures on CD with Optional Captioning for Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications
ISBN 9780321450685 , 2008
A Guide to Graphic Print Production
ISBN 9780471761389 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Robert Ryberg, Peter Lundberg, Kaj Johansson
Audio/video Cable Installer's Pocket Guide
ISBN 9780071386210 , 2002 , Stephen H. Lampen
Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory
ISBN 9780415162180 , 2000 , Roberta E. Pearson, Philip Simpson
Operasjonsanalyse: management science
ISBN 9788215020822 , 2013 , Morten Helbæk
Fifty Contemporary Film Directors
ISBN 9780415554336 , 2010 , Yvonne Tasker
Explorations in Theology and Film: An Introduction
ISBN 9780631203568 , 1997 , Clive Marsh, Gaye Williams Ortiz
Animal Science: The Biology, Care, and Production of Domestic Animals
ISBN 9780073661759 , 2008 , John Roy Campbell, John F. Lasley, Karen Campbell,m.fl.
Business Planing For Healthcare Management
ISBN 9780335206476 , 2000
Risk Management and Governance: Concepts, Guidelines and Applications
ISBN 9783642139253 , 2010 , Terje Aven, Ortwin Renn
Management Accounting: Decision Management
ISBN 9780750689588 , 2008
Artist Management for the Music Business 2e
ISBN 9780240815015 , 2011 , 2. utgave , Paul Allen
The Gangster Film Reader
ISBN 9780879103323 , 2007 , Alain Silver, James Ursini
Statistics for management and economics: a systematic approach
ISBN 9780534126780 , 1990 , Gerald Keller, Brian Warrack, Henry Bartel
Hospitality Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases
ISBN 9780470083598 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach
ISBN 9781259010859 , 2014 , Anthony Saunders
Physical Management for Neurological Conditions with Pageburst Access: [Formerly Physical Management in Neurological Rehabilitation]
ISBN 9780723435600 , 2011 , Maria Stokes, Ph.D., Emma Stack, Ph.D.
Introduction to Documentary Production a Guide
ISBN 9781903364376 , 2002 , Searle Kochberg
Accounting in Tea Production
ISBN 9780901308832 , 1984 , R. Vijayasekaran
Film History: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071151412 , 2003 , David Bordwell
Management Communication: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780071259262 , 2007
Strategic Management: Theory and Application
ISBN 9780199216468 , 2007 , Adrian Haberberg, Alison Rieple
Accounting in the Oil Industry: Exploration and Production
ISBN 9780901308979 , 1991 , Michael James Brooks
Petroleum economics: issues and strategies of oil and natural gas production
ISBN 9781567202205 , 1998 , Rognvaldur Hannesson
Video Analysis: Methodology and Methods : Qualitative Audiovisual Data Analysis in Sociology
ISBN 9783631592397 , 2009 , Bernt Schnettler
Economics for Health Care Management
ISBN 9780132094610 , 1997 , David Perkins, Ann Clewer
The Film Cultures Reader
ISBN 9780415252829 , 2001 , Graeme Turner
François Truffaut and Friends: Modernism, Sexuality, and Film Adaptation
ISBN 9780813537252 , 2006 , Robert Stam