Søk: 'The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language'
Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
ISBN 9780415285582 , 2002 , Jonathan Spencer, Alan Barnard
Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A-z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
ISBN 9780007264452 , 2008 , Adele Nozedar
Church of England and the English Reformation
ISBN 9781860130489 , 1982 , Patrick Collinson
English fiction of the Victorian period, 1830-1890
ISBN 9780582088436 , 1994 , Michael Wheeler
The Norton Anthology of English Literature: Media Companion
ISBN 9780393105445 , 2000 , Stephen Greenblatt, M. Meyer Howard Abrams
A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language
ISBN 9780853315858 , 1990 , John A. Haywood, H. M. Nahmad
English from the Roots Up
ISBN 9781885942487 , 2003 , Joegil Lundquist
Code: the hidden language of computer hardware and software
ISBN 9780735611313 , 2000 , Charles Petzold
The Longman Student's Grammar of Spoken and Written English
ISBN 9780582237261 , 2002 , Geoffrey Leech, Douglas Biber, S. Conrad
Standard English: the widening debate
ISBN 9780415191630 , 1999 , Tony Bex, Richard James Watts
The Oxford English Reference Dictionary
ISBN 9780198600466 , 1996 , Judy Pearsall, Bill Trumble
An introduction to the pronunciation of English
ISBN 9780713155747 , 1970
The Penguin Concise English Dictionary
ISBN 9780140515190 , 2002 , Edited By Robert Allen, Robert Edward Allen
The Paperback Oxford English Dictionary
ISBN 9780198604549 , 2002 , Catherine Soanes
Cambridge Book of Synonyms and Antonyms
ISBN 9788187155232 , 2006
The Penguin Book of English Short Stores
ISBN 9780140026177 , 1967 , Christopher Dolley
The Language of the Spirit: A Visual Key to Enlightenment and Destiny
ISBN 9781904292265 , 2003 , Jane Hope
Cyclopaedia of English Literature: A Selection of the Choicest Productions of English Authors; From the Earliest to the Present Time, Connected by a Critical and Biographical History
ISBN 9781144252685 , 2010 , Anonymous
Children, their world, their education: final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review
ISBN 9780415548717 , 2009 , Robin Alexander, Michael Armstrong, Julia Flutter,m.fl.
The unified modeling language reference manual
ISBN 9780321245625 , 2005 , Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson
The Romantic Period: The Intellectual and Cultural Context of English Literature, 1789-1830
ISBN 9780582382398 , 2004 , Robin Jarvis
Why Do English Language Learners Struggle With Reading?: Distinguishing Language Acquisition From Learning Disabilities
ISBN 9781412941471 , 2008 , Janette K. Klingner, John J. Hoover,m.fl.
History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071315562 , 2013 , R.R. Palmer
The Penguin Dictionary of English Synonyms and Antonyms
ISBN 9780140511680 , 1992 , Rosalind Fergusson
Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
ISBN 9781853593628 , 1998 , Colin Baker, Catherine E. Snow
A Language Study of Arthur Miller's Plays: The Plays in the Colloquial
ISBN 9780773470897 , 2002 , Stephen A. Marino
Early English Alliterative Poems in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century
ISBN 9780554721859 , 2008 , Richard Morris
Early English Alliterative Poems in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century
ISBN 9780554721811 , 2008 , Richard Morris
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Major Authors Edtion
ISBN 9780393928280 , 2006 , Stephen Greenblatt, Stephen Abrams,m.fl.
Along the Routes to Power: Explorations of Empowerment Through Language
ISBN 9783110185997 , 2006 , Joanne Neff van Aertselaer