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Diamonds, Gold and War: The Making of South Africa
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The Politics of Mathematics Education
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Dictating democracy: Guatemala and the end of violent revolution
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Democratization in the Global South: The Importance of Transformative Politics
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Dirty Politics: Deception, Distraction and Democracy
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Democracy and Dictatorship: The Nature and Limits of State Power
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Good Business: Leadership, Flow, and the Making of Meaning
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History Derailed: Central And Eastern Europe In The Long Nineteenth Century
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The social context of health
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Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision Making
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The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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Religion and the Politics of Identity in Kosovo
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Federalism and the European Union: The Building of Europe : 1950-2000
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Good Business: Leadership, Flow, and the Making of Meaning
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Almanac of Higher Education 1995 (Paper Only)
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Governance and Politics of China
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