Søk: 'The antitrust revolution: economics, competition, and policy'
Beyond Revolution: The Theory of Shulamith Firestone and Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time .
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Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life
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Adaptation and Resilience: The Economics of Climate, Water, and Energy Challenges in the American Southwest
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Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics
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Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence
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After the Bell: Family Background, Public Policy, and Educational Success
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Managing for the environment: understanding the legal, organizational, and policy challenges
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Economic Analysis for Management and Policy
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The Agricultural Revolution in Prehistory: Why Did Foragers Become Farmers?
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From the Fires of Revolution to the Great War
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Health Economics
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Statistics for Business and Economics
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Food Policy: Integrating Health, Environment and Society
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Principles of Economics
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Probation: politics, policy, and practice
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The Boundaries of Economics
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Scandinavia in the Age of Revolution: Nordic Political Cultures, 1740-1820
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