Søk: 'Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic.NET'
Parallel Programming with MPI
ISBN 9781558603394 , 1996 , Peter S. Pacheco
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++
ISBN 9780321543721 , 2008 , Bjarne Stroustrup
Dead history, live art?: spectacle, subjectivity and subversion in visual culture since the 1960s
ISBN 9780853234388 , 2007 , Jonathan P. Harris, Tate Gallery Liverpool
Dead history, live art?: spectacle, subjectivity and subversion in visual culture since the 1960s
ISBN 9780853231899 , 2007 , Jonathan P. Harris, Tate Gallery Liverpool
Microsoft Visual C++ .Net 2003: Kick Start
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Microsoft Windows server 2003: administrator's pocket consultant
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Microsoft(r) Windows Media(r) Resource Kit
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Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 for Windows and Macintosh
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Three-D Game Engine Programming
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Early Childhood Counts Programming Resources
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Foundations of Python Network Programming
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Programming Game AI by Example
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Windows 95 - lær det selv
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Microsoft visual C++ .NET: language reference
ISBN 9780735615533 , 2002 , Corporation Microsoft
Visual Basic .Net: How to Program
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A Primer on Scientific Programming With Python
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Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python
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Reading Images: The Grammar Of Visual Design
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Programming and Problem Solving with C++
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Introduction to C++ Programming: Comprehensive Version
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A First Course in Computational Physics and Object-Oriented Programming with C++
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Valuepack:Programming Language Processors in Java:Compilers and Interpreters/Concepts of Programming Languages:International Edition
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Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL
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Excel Programming Weekend Crash Course
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Prolog: Programming for Artificial Intelligence
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Computer Concepts and C Programming
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Access 2.0 for Windows by Example
ISBN 9781863980999 , 1995 , Jenny Spence, Sue Holding, Webster & Associates
Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp
ISBN 9781558601918 , 1991 , Peter Norvig