Søk: 'film&tv;'
Breaking the frame: film language and the experience of limits
ISBN 9780253206213 , 1991 , Inez Hedges
Film directing shot by shot: visualizing from concept to screen
ISBN 9780941188104 , 1991 , Steven D. Katz
Aim for the Heart: Write for the Ear, Shoot for the Eye, a Guide for TV Producers and Reporters
ISBN 9781566251761 , 2002 , Al Tompkins
American film personnel and company credits, 1908-1920: filmographies reordered by authoritative organizational and personal names from Lauritzen and Lundquist's American film-index
ISBN 9780786402557 , 1996 , Paul C. Spehr, Gunnar Lundquist, Einar Lauritzen
Kino: A History of the Russian and Soviet Film
ISBN 9780691003467 , 1983 , Jay Leyda
Classical Film Violence: Designing and Regulating Brutality in Hollywood Cinema, 1930-1968
ISBN 9780813532806 , 2003
The Hollywood book of death: the bizarre, often sordid, passings of more than 125 American movie and TV idols
ISBN 9780809222278 , 2001 , James Robert Parish
Cinematic translation of Ionel Teodoreanu's Lorelei: creating a film script from a classic Romanian novel
ISBN 9780773456082 , 2007 , Doris Plantus-Runey
Film Architecture and the Transnational Imagination: set Design in 1930s European Cinema
ISBN 9789053569849 , 1999 , Sarah Street, Tim Bergfelder, Sue Harris
Media in a Globalized Society: Northern Lights - Film and Media Studies Yearbook 2003
ISBN 9788772898612 , 2003
A Certain Realism: Making Use of Passolini's Film Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780520078550 , 1993 , Maurizio Sanzio Viano
Konst och film. D. 1, Texter fore 1970 : Skriftserien Kairos Nr 9:1
ISBN 9789187215452 , 2004 , Trond Lundemo
Cinema of the Other Europe: The Industry and Artistry of East Central European Film
ISBN 9781903364611 , 2003
Moving forward, looking back: the European avant-garde and the invention of film culture, 1919-1939
ISBN 9789053569603 , 2007
Moving Forward, Looking Back: The European Avant-garde and the Invention of Film Culture, 1919-1939
ISBN 9789053569610 , 2007
Chris Gore's Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide, 4th Edition: The Essential Companion for Filmmakers and Festival-Goers
ISBN 9780823099719 , 2008 , 4. utgave , Chris Gore
Visual Authorship: Creativity and Intentionality in Media (Northern Lights - Film and Media Studies Yearbook 2004)
ISBN 9788763501286 , 2004 , Torben Grodal, Bente Larsen,m.fl.
The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style & Mode of Production to 1960
ISBN 9780415003834 , 1988 , Janet Staiger, David Bordwell
The classical Holywood cinema: film style & mode of production to 1960
ISBN 9780231060554 , 1987 , Janet Staiger, David Bordwell
The Lord of the Rings 1.: The Fellowship of the Ring. Film Tie-in.
ISBN 9780007171972 , 2003 , John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
Celluloid wars: a guide to film and the American experience of war
ISBN 9780313260995 , 1992 , Frank Joseph Wetta, Stephen J. Curley
Dark Dreams 2.0: A Psychological History of the Modern Horror Film from the 1950s to the 21st Century
ISBN 9780786433971 , 2009 , Charles Derry
Film Music: A Neglected Art : a Critical Study of Music in Films
ISBN 9780393308747 , 1992 , Roy M. Prendergast
Applied photographic optics: lenses and optical systems for photography, film, video, electronic and digital imaging
ISBN 9780240515403 , 2002 , Sidney F. Ray
Cinemas of the Other: A Personal Journey with Film-makers from the Middle East and Central Asia
ISBN 9781841501437 , 2006
DIY Hollywood: Independent Film-making and how Cheap Digital Technology Will Transform it
ISBN 9781856374545 , 1998 , David Carr
Visions of the Past: The Challenge of Film to Our Idea of History
ISBN 9780674940987 , 1995 , Robert A. Rosenstone
A Hundred Years of Japanese Film: A Concise History, with a Selective Guide to DVDs and Videos
ISBN 9784770029959 , 2005
Black Film As a Signifying Practice: Cinema, Narration and the African American Aesthetic Tradition
ISBN 9780865437159 , 2000 , Gladstone L. Yearwood, Gadstone Lloyd Yearwood
Anatomy of a Trade Dispute: A Documentary History of the Kodak-Fuji Film Dispute
ISBN 9781874698531 , 2000 , James P. Durling