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Laboratory Manual to Accompany Biology
ISBN 9780072464641 , 2003 , Sylvia S. Mader
Introduction to Plant Population Biology
ISBN 9780632049912 , 2001 , Jonathan Silvertown
ISBN 9780805368444 , 2008 , Neil A. Campbell
A few marbles left: a close-up look at TV news in all its agonizing, maddening lunacy (and its occasional moments of glory)
ISBN 9781566251679 , 2001 , John Corcoran, Mervin Block
Statistics: A Bayesian Perspective
ISBN 9780534234720 , 1995 , Donald A. Berry
Medicine at a Glance
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Applied Nonlinear Control
ISBN 9780130408907 , 1990 , Jean-Jacques E. Slotine, Weiping Li
Sears and Zemansky's University Physics: With Modern Physics
ISBN 9780321501219 , 2007 , Hugh D. Young, Lewis Ford
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ISBN 9780321710000 , 2012 , Hugh D. Young, Albert Lewis Ford
Essential Cell Biology
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From Colony to Superpower
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Biochemistry and molecular biology
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Social and Behavioural Sciences for Nurses: Psychology, Sociology and Communication for Project 2000
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From pale to pampa: a social history of the Jews of Buenos Aires
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A History of Media
ISBN 9781553692409 , 2002 , W. Lambert Gardiner
New Media: A Critical Introduction
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Environmental chemistry: a global perspective
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Biology: Concepts and Connections, Books a la Carte
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The Network Society: Social Aspects of New Media
ISBN 9781412908689 , 2005 , Jan van Dijk
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ISBN 9780321709998 , 2011 , Hugh D. Young, A. Lewis (Albert Lewis) Ford
Between Underdevelopment and Revolution: A Latin American Perspective
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Surgery at a Glance
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Strategic Brand Management: A European Perspective
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Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional
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Does My Head Look Big in This?
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Introduction to Space Physics
ISBN 9780521457149 , 1995 , Margaret Galland Kivelson, Christopher T. Russell