Søk: 'American Cities and Technology: Wilderness to Wired city'
Coming to America (Second Edition): A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life
ISBN 9780060505776 , 2002 , Roger Daniels
Food Canning Technology
ISBN 9780471186106 , 1997 , Jean Larousse, Bruce E. Brown
Standard British And American English: A Brief Overview
ISBN 9788762902947 , 2005 , Karol Janicki
Moving Viewers: American Film and the Spectator's Experience
ISBN 9780520256965 , 2009 , Carl Plantinga
Mema's House, Mexico City: On Transvestites, Queens, and Machos
ISBN 9780226682570 , 1998 , Annick Prieur
Information and Communication Technology in Organizations: Adoption, Implementation, Use and Effects
ISBN 9781412900904 , 2005 , Harry Bouwman, Bart Van Den Hooff,m.fl.
Muslims in Europe : a report on 11 EU cities
ISBN 9781936133017 , 2010
The Social Fabric: American Life From 1607 to 1877
ISBN 9780321333827 , 2006 , Thomas L. Hartshorne
The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves
ISBN 9780141031637 , 2010
American gods
ISBN 9780380789030 , 2002 , Neil Gaiman
American intergovernmental relations: foundations, perspectives, and issues
ISBN 9780872893078 , 2006 , Laurence J. O'Toole
Assimilation and Subversion in Earlier American Literature
ISBN 9781904303848 , 2006 , Robin DeRosa
Arabic in the City: Issues in Dialect Contact and Language Variation
ISBN 9780415773119 , 2007 , Catherine Miller, Dominique Caubet, Janet Watson,m.fl.
Chemistry and Technology of Water Based Inks
ISBN 9780751401653 , 1996 , P.J. Laden
American Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415358316 , 2008
Adventures in Oz: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, the Road to Oz, the Emerald City of Oz
ISBN 9781604590166 , 2007 , L. Frank Baum
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People: to 1877
ISBN 9781111341565 , 2011 , Neal Salisbury, Paul S. Boyer,m.fl.
Deus in Machina: Religion, Technology, and the Things in Between
ISBN 9780823249817 , 2012 , Jeremy Stolow
American Government: Freedom and Power : Brief
ISBN 9780393978230 , 2002 , Theodore J. Lowi
American Cultural Pluralism and Law
ISBN 9780275926953 , 1988
The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Trough History
ISBN 9780500280997 , 1999 , Richard Tobias, Spiro K. Kostof
Major Problems in American Immigration History: Documents and Essays
ISBN 9780547149073 , 2011 , Jon Gjerde, Mae M. Ngai
Atlas of American History
ISBN 9780528845000
Fluency with Information Technology: Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities: International Version
ISBN 9780135125649 , 2011 , Lawrence Snyder
American Social and Political Thought: A Reader
ISBN 9780748615292 , 2003 , Andreas Hess
Introduction to e-Supply Chain Management: Engaging Technology to Build Market-Winning Business Partnerships
ISBN 9781574443240 , 2002 , David Frederick Ross
Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology, Two-Volume Set
ISBN 9780470185377 , 2010 , Isabel Guerrero-Legarreta,m.fl.
American Political Thought: The Philosophic Dimension of American Statesmanship
ISBN 9781412811392 , 2011 , Morton J. Frisch, Richard G. Stevens
American Sociolinguistics: Theorists and Theory Groups
ISBN 9789027221780 , 1998
Information and communication technology in organizations: adoption, implementation, use and effects
ISBN 9781412900898 , 2005 , Harry Bouwman, Bart Van Den Hooff,m.fl.