Søk: 'Ancient Literary Criticism'
Hints on Teaching and Lecturing on Phonography: With Notes on Shorthand, Ancient and Modern, Music, the Connection of Phonography with the Penny Post, Etc
ISBN 9781144681058 , 2010 , Henry Pitman
Hints On Teaching And Lecturing On Phonography - With Notes On Shorthand Ancient And Modern, Music, The Connection Of Phonography With The Penny Post, Etc.
ISBN 9781446017685 , 2010 , Henry Pitman
The Fifth Directory of Periodicals: Publishing Articles on American and English Language and Literature, Criticism and Theory, Film, American Studie
ISBN 9780804009621 , 1992 , Richard G. Barlow, Donna Lorine Gerstenberger,m.fl.
The Fifth Directory of Periodicals: Publishing Articles on American and English Language and Literature, Criticism and Theory, Film, American Studie
ISBN 9780804009584 , 1992 , Richard G. Barlow
Bleak House: An Authoritative and Annotated Text, Illustrations, a Note on the Text, Genesis and Composition, Backgrounds, Criticism
ISBN 9780393093322 , 1977 , Charles Dickens
A Wish Can Change Your Life: How to Use the Ancient Wisdom of Kabbalah to Make Your Dreams Come True
ISBN 9780743245050 , 2004 , Gahl Sasson, Steve Weinstein
Ancient lines in the landscape: a geo-archaeological study of protohistoric and Roman roads and field systems in northwestern Gaul
ISBN 9789042909915 , 2001 , Frank Vermeulen, Mark Antrop
The Mysteries of Ancient Egypt: An Illustrated Reference to the Myths, Religions, Pyramids and Temples of the Land of the Pharaohs
ISBN 9780754811879 , 2003 , Lucia Gahlin, Lorna Oakes
Edward Gibbon and the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
ISBN 9780674733688 , 2013 , G. W. Bowersock,m.fl.
A Catalogue of Books for the Library: Comprising a Selection of the Best Editions of Standard Works, by Ancient and Modern Authors, in All Departments of Literature, Science, and Art
ISBN 9781141770946 , 2010 , Henry Sotheran
Ancient Greek Scholarship: A Guide to Finding, Reading, and Understanding Scholia, Commentaries, Lexica, and Grammatical Treatises : From Their Beginnings to the Byzantine Period: From Their Beginnings to the Byzantine Period
ISBN 9780195312935 , 2007 , Eleanor Dickey
Histology of Ancient Human Bone: Methods and Diagnosis : Proceedings of the "Palaeohistology Workshop" Held from 3-5 October 1990 at Gottingen
ISBN 9783540546429 , 1993 , Gisela Grupe, A Neil Garland
The Banquet of Dun na n-gedh and the Battle of Magh rath: an ancient historical tale from the manuscript in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin
ISBN 9781861430045 , 1996 , John O'Donovan,m.fl.
Traces on the Rhodian Shore: Nature and Culture in Western Thought from Ancient Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century
ISBN 9780520032163 , 1976 , Clarence J. Glacken
Nature Worship: An Account of Phallic Faiths and Practices, Ancient and Modern, Including the Adoration of the Male and Female Powers in Various Nations and the Sacti Puja of Indian Gnosticism
ISBN 9781585090495 , 1999 , Tedd St. Rain