Søk: 'Annie tøffer seg'
Munch Og Warnemunde: 1907-1908
ISBN 9788290128369 , 1999 , Arne Eggum, Gerd Woll, Timo Huusko, Annie Bardon,m.fl.
Lettvektere: om for tidlig fødte barn
ISBN 9788200215226 , 1992 , Lars Smith, Stein Erik Ulvund, Annie Ulvund,m.fl.
Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years
ISBN 9780385312523 , 1997 , Sarah Louise Delany, Annie Elizabeth Delany,m.fl.
Fem eventyr; samlepakke
ISBN 9788249211333 , 2008 , Amanda Graham, Hanne Solem, Declan Lee,m.fl.
Change leadership: a practical guide to transforming our schools
ISBN 9780787977559 , 2005 , Robert Kegan, Lisa Laskow Lahey, Tony Wagner,m.fl.
Greek Thought: A Guide to Classical Knowledge
ISBN 9780674002616 , 2000 , Jacques Brunschwig, G. E. R. Lloyd,m.fl.