Søk: 'Archaeology: theories, methods and practice : with over 600 illustrations'
Mixed methods
ISBN 9781412911634 , 2006 , Alan Bryman
Modern Theories of Art
ISBN 9780415926263 , 2000 , Moshe Barasch
Cancer Epidemiology: Principles and Methods
ISBN 9789283204053 , 1999 , Isabel dos Santos Silva
Comparative Politics: Theory and Methods
ISBN 9780814766682 , 1998 , B. Guy Peters
Principles and Practice of Mixtures Toxicology
ISBN 9783527632114 , 2011 , Moiz Mumtaz
Research Methods in Linguistics
ISBN 9781107696358 , 2014 , Robert J. Podesva, Devyani Sharma
Russian Foreign Policy and the Cis: Theories, Debates and Actions
ISBN 9780415305778 , 2003 , Nicole J. Jackson
Issues and Methods in Comparative Politics
ISBN 9780203133828 , 2002
Principles and Practice of Marketing
ISBN 9780077114152 , 2007 , David Jobber
Mass Communication: Theory And Practice
ISBN 9788124101346 , 2007
Anti-Discriminatory Practice: Equality, Diversity and Social Justice
ISBN 9780230250130 , 2012 , Neil Thompson
Norsk sølv. Bd. 1: gullsmeder gjennom 600 år
ISBN 9788249602339 , 2003 , Jorunn Fossberg, Sigrid Wegge Tandberg,m.fl.
Leadership: theory and practice
ISBN 9780803957688 , 1997 , Peter Guy Northouse
Leadership: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780803957695 , 1997 , Peter Guy Northouse
Influence: Science and Practice
ISBN 9780673467515 , 1993 , Robert B. Cialdini
Second Language Learning Theories
ISBN 9780340807668 , 2002 , Rosamond Mitchell, Florence Myles
Business Research Methods
ISBN 9781133190943 , 2012 , William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin
ISBN 9780123751539 , 2009 , Julio E. Celis, Kreitzer Geri
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
ISBN 9780073129068 , 2007 , Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce Barrington Abbott
Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857020413 , 2011
Social Research Methods
ISBN 9780199202959 , 2008 , Alan Bryman
Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, And Methods
ISBN 9780495050643 , 2006 , Beth L. Chance, Allan J. Rossman
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780761941569 , 2003 , Chris Barker
Oversikt over erstatningsretten
ISBN 9788204123282 , 2006 , Peter Lødrup
Statistical Concepts and Methods
ISBN 9780471072041 , 1977 , Gouri K. Bhattacharyya, Richard Arnold Johnson
Getting Over Mr. Right
ISBN 9780340992791 , 2010 , Chrissie Manby
Sears and Zemansky's University Physics: With Modern Physics
ISBN 9780321696861 , 2010 , Hugh D. Young, A. Lewis Ford
Wireless communications: principles and practice
ISBN 9780130422323 , 2001 , Theodore S. Rappaport
Software Architecture in Practice
ISBN 9780321815736 , 2012 , Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman
Winnie-the-Pooh 2005. Sticker Calendar.: With over 80 coloured stickers!
ISBN 9781405213172 , 2004