Søk: 'Art, Artefacts, and Chronology in Classical Archaeology'
Greek Art
ISBN 9780714833682 , 1997 , Nigel Jonathan Spivey
Conceptual Art
ISBN 9780714833880 , 1997 , Tony Godfrey
Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student
ISBN 9780195115420 , 1998 , Edward P. J. Corbett, Robert J. Connors
American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman
ISBN 9780195007596 , 1968
Nineteenth Century European Art
ISBN 9780131886438 , 2006 , Petra Ten-Doesschate Chu
Art: A Brief History
ISBN 9780136059097 , 2010 , Marilyn Stokstad, Michael W. Cothren
Sámi stories: art and identity of an artic people
ISBN 9788281042384 , 2014 , Charis Gullickson, Sandra Lorentzen
The Art and Craft of Problem Solving
ISBN 9780471789017 , 2006 , Paul Zeitz
Ancient Rome: the archaeology of the eternal city
ISBN 9780947816551 , 2000 , Hazel Dodge, J. C. Coulston,m.fl.
A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory
ISBN 9781441930941 , 2010 , Michael Rosen, Kenneth F. Ireland
Archaeology meets science: biomolecular investigations in Bronze Age Greece : the primary scientific evidence, 1997-2003
ISBN 9781842172384 , 2008 , Martin Jones, Yannis Tzedakis, Holly Martlew
Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice: Paradoxes in Play
ISBN 9780857935311 , 2012 , Suna Lowe Nielsen, Majbritt Evald
The Story of Art
ISBN 9780714847030 , 2006 , E. H. Gombrich
The Art of Witchblade, Volume 1: Art Collection
ISBN 9781582408576 , 2008 , Marc Silvestri, David Wohl, Michael Turner,m.fl.
The Archaeology of the Roman Economy
ISBN 9780520074019 , 1990 , Kevin Greene
Real art
ISBN 9788275470612 , 2000 , Utsmykkingsfondet for offentlige bygg
Nineteenth century art: a critical history : with 496 illustrations, 193 in colour
ISBN 9780500286838 , 2007 , Linda Nochlin, Stephen F. Eisenman,m.fl.
Classical Social Theory: A Contemporary Approach
ISBN 9780631211655 , 2001
Apples Are Blue: Understanding The Art In The Artist
ISBN 9781418450472 , 2004 , Peggy Blood
Resourcing in business logistics: the art of systematic combining
ISBN 9788215011196 , 2006 , Lars-Erik Gadde, Göran Persson, Marianne Jahre,m.fl.
Seeing Medieval Art
ISBN 9781551115351 , 2004 , Herbert L. Kessler
Introduction to Occupation: The Art of Science and Living
ISBN 9780131999428 , 2009 , Charles Christiansen, Elizabeth Townsend
Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together
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Valuation: The Art and Science of Corporate Investment Decisions
ISBN 9780132311472 , 2011 , Sheridan Titman, John D. Martin
A Loving Hunt: Italian Interbellum Art in the Iannaccone Collection
ISBN 9788857203829 , 2010 , Claudia Gian Ferrari, Elena Pontiggia,m.fl.
Believing and Seeing: The Art of Gothic Cathedrals
ISBN 9780226706061 , 2008
Experience As Art: Aesthetics in Everyday Life
ISBN 9780873956932 , 1984 , Joseph H. Kupfer
Art Today
ISBN 9780714838885 , 1999 , Edward Lucie-Smith
Contrasting Images of the Book of Revelation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Art: A Case Study in Visual Exegesis
ISBN 9780199590100 , 2011 , Natasha F.H. O'Hear
Archaeology, History, and Custer's Last Battle: The Little Big Horn Reexamined
ISBN 9780806129983 , 1997 , Richard A. Fox