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The Art of Photography: Instructions in the Art of Producing Photographic Pictures in Any Color, and on Any Material (1854)
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Beyond the ivory tower: international relations theory and the issue of policy relevance
ISBN 9780231116596 , 2001
Human rights : Chinese & Canadian perspectives
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Identity In Adolescence: The Balance Between Self And Other
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Stories of Art
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Film Stars: Hollywood and Beyond
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Contemporary Orthodontics
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Beyond Black
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Borderland Russians: Identity, Narrative and International Relations
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Applications of Soft Computing: Updating the State of the Art
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Eros: The God of Love in Legend and Art
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Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition
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Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition
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William Morris: the art of socialism
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The Wildflower Gardener's Guide: Midwest, Great Plains and Canadian Prairies Edition
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The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses
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The utility of force: the art of war in the modern world
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Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Current State and Trends: Findings of the Condition and Trends Working Group
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An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: Society and Identity
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Biopsychology with "Beyond the Brain and Behavior" CD-ROM
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Auto/Ethnographies: Sex and Death and Symbolic Interaction in the Eighth Moment of Qualitative Inquiry: Seven Essays on the Self-ethnography of Self
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Makers of Contemporary Islam
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The Critical Historians of Art
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Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and A Science, 5th ed.: An Art and a Science
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The Author, Art, and the Market: Rereading the History of Aesthetics
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Art, Creativity, and the Sacred: An Anthology in Religion and Art
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