Søk: 'Challenging Ways of Knowing: In English, Mathematics and Science'
Accents of English:
ISBN 9780521285407 , 1982 , John Christopher Wells
Science, Truth, and Democracy
ISBN 9780195165524 , 2003 , Philip Kitcher
A Changing World of Words: Studies in English Historical Lexicography, Lexicology and Semantics
ISBN 9789042013308 , 2002 , Javier E. Díaz Vera
Concepts & Methods in Social Science: The Tradition Of Giovanni Sartori
ISBN 9780415775779 , 2008 , John Gerring, David Collier
Basic Concepts of Fruit Science
ISBN 9788181895233 , 2010 , Neeraj Pratap Singh
Student Resource Guide for Excursions in Modern Mathematics
ISBN 9780321575197 , 2009 , Peter Tannenbaum, Dale R. Buske
Excursions in Modern Mathematics + Mymathlab Student Access Kit
ISBN 9780321575234 , 2009 , Peter Tannenbaum
Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-French
ISBN 9789608534711 , 1996
Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design
ISBN 9781856178952 , 2009 , Michael F. Ashby, David Cebon
British and American English Pronunciation
ISBN 9788215001524 , 2005 , Thor Sigurd Nilsen
Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science, Sports Injury Prevention
ISBN 9781444303629 , 2009 , Lars Engebretsen
The science of social influence: advances and future progress
ISBN 9781841694269 , 2007 , Anthony R. Pratkanis
A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-Century England
ISBN 9780226750187 , 1994 , Steven Shapin
Crossover: practical and technical English
ISBN 9788256266081 , 2006 , Marianne Roald Ytterdal
Cognition: Exploring the Science of the Mind
ISBN 9780393921762 , 2013
Generalized vector and dyadic analysis: applied mathematics in field theory
ISBN 9780780334137 , 1997 , Chen-To Tai
A Dictionary of Urdu, Classical Hindi and English
ISBN 9789693502961 , 2003 , John T. Platts
Electrochemical Science and Technology: Fundamentals and Applications
ISBN 9780470710845 , 2011 , Keith B. Oldham, Alan Bond
Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning About Systems
ISBN 9780521656023 , 2000 , Michael Huth, Mark D. Ryan
The local construction of a global language: ideologies of English in South Korea
ISBN 9783110209631 , 2009 , Joseph Sung-Yul Park
The Norton Anthology of English Literature
ISBN 9780393927153
A Straightforward Guide to Knowing Your Rights and Using the Courts
ISBN 9781903909737 , 2006 , Amanda Howlett
Science and Technology in a Multicultural World: The Cultural Politics of Facts and Artifacts
ISBN 9780231101974 , 1995
Mathematics for the International Student: Mathematics SL
ISBN 9781876543037 , 2004
A Dictionary of Urdu, Classical Hindi and English
ISBN 9788173046704 , 2006 , John T. Platts
The Politics of Mathematics Education
ISBN 9789027723505 , 1987 , Stieg Mellin-Olsen
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, International Student Version, 10th Edition
ISBN 9780470646137 , 2011 , 10. utgave , Erwin Kreyszig
Colonies, Cults and Evolution: Literature, Science and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Writing
ISBN 9780521884587 , 2007
Leonardo: Art and Science
ISBN 9781844060351 , 2004 , Carlo Pedretti
Schools on the edge: responding to challenging circumstances
ISBN 9781412929714 , 2006 , John MacBeath, David Frost, Sue Swaffield