Søk: 'Change (Transformation) in Public Sector Organizations'
Arctic Security Age Climate Change
ISBN 9781139098342 , 2011
Public Relations Values in the New Millennium: A Special Issue of the Journal of Public Relations Research
ISBN 9780805897739 , 2000 , Elizabeth L. Toth
International Difference in Public Service Motivation: Comparing Regions Across the World
ISBN 9780199234035 , 2008 , James L. Perry, Annie Hondeghem, W. Vandenabeele,m.fl.
In Gold We Trust: Social Capital and Economic Change in the Italian Jewelry Towns
ISBN 9780691127293 , 2007 , Loren D. Lybarger, Dario Gaggio
International Organizations and Ethnic Conflict
ISBN 9780801482595 , 1995 , Milton J. Esman,m.fl.
Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organizations
ISBN 9780195085037 , 1995 , Sharon M. Oster
Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857020413 , 2011
Making common ground: public-private partnerships in land for housing
ISBN 9781853394799 , 2000 , Geoffrey K. Payne
Children and the Changing Family: Between Transformation and Negotiation
ISBN 9780203451823 , 2003 , An-Magritt Jensen, Lorna McKee
The many faces of corruption: tracking vulnerabilities at the sector level
ISBN 9780821367254 , 2007 , J. Edgardo Campos, Sanjay Pradhan
The Nigerian public service: in search of creative excellence
ISBN 9789782461568 , 1992 , Efiong J. Etuk
Citizen Politics: Public Opinion and Political Parties In Advanced Industrial Democracies, 5th Edition
ISBN 9780872895379 , 2008 , 5. utgave
Culture and change in central European prehistory: 6th to 1st millennium BC
ISBN 9788779342453 , 2006 , Helle Vandkilde
Global Community: The Role of International Organizations in the Making of the Contemporary World
ISBN 9780520231283 , 2004
Practical Action Research for Change
ISBN 9781412938594 , 2006 , Richard A. Schmuck
A Successful Transformation?: Restructuring of the Czech Automobile Industry
ISBN 9783790820393 , 2008 , Petr Pavlínek
Climate Change: A Multidisciplinary Approach
ISBN 9780521870153 , 2007 , William James Burroughs
European Forest Sector Outlook Study 1960-2000-2020: Main Report
ISBN 9789211169218 , 2005 , m.fl.
Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change
ISBN 9780470998106 , 2009 , Joe Tidd, John Bessant
Understanding the Process of Economic Change
ISBN 9780691145952 , 2010 , Douglass C. North
Climate Change and Liberal Priorities
ISBN 9780415453400 , 2010
A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Organizations
ISBN 9781446207376 , 2012 , Chris Grey
Note-taking for Public Service Interpreters
ISBN 9780956813404 , 2007 , Kirsty Heimerl-Moggan
Organizational Change: Perspectives on Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780199573783 , 2012 , Piers Myers, Liz Wiggins
Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership
ISBN 9780787964269 , 2003
The Sociology of Work: Continuity and Change in Paid and Unpaid Work
ISBN 9780761948537 , 2006 , Stephen Edgell
The Management of Non-Governmental Development Organizations
ISBN 9780415370936 , 2006 , Lewis David
Becoming European: The Transformation of Third Millennium Northern and Western Europe
ISBN 9781842174500 , 2011 , Håkon Glørstad
Children and the Changing Family: Between Transformation and Negotiation
ISBN 9780415277730 , 2003 , An-Magritt Jensen, Lorna McKee
Globalization and Social Change: People and Places in a Divided World
ISBN 9780415266963 , 2004 , Diane Perrons