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The Media in Question: Popular Cultures and Public Interests
ISBN 9780761957232 , 1997 , Liesbet van Zoonen, Joke Hermes, Kees Brants
Social Capital and Governance: Old and New Members of the European Union in Comparison
ISBN 9783825896584 , 2006 , Adam Frane
Interactive Learning and the New Technologies: A Report of the Educational Research Workshop Held in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 2-5 June 1987
ISBN 9789026509698 , 1989 , C. Harrison
America and the New Epoch
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Children and the Changing Family: Between Transformation and Negotiation
ISBN 9780203451823 , 2003 , An-Magritt Jensen, Lorna McKee
Phobias: A Handbook of Theory, Research and Treatment
ISBN 9780471492207 , 1999
Ritual and Knowledge Among the Baktaman of New Guinea
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A Presocratics Reader: Selected Fragments and Testimonia
ISBN 9780872203273 , 1996 , Patricia Curd, Richard D. McKirahan
Children, Youth and Development
ISBN 9780415287685 , 2005 , Nicola Ansell
Anthropology and Child Development: A Cross-Cultural Reader
ISBN 9780631229766 , 2008 , Rebecca S. New, Robert A. LeVine
Anthropology and Child Development: A Cross-Cultural Reader
ISBN 9780631229759 , 2008 , Rebecca S. New, Robert A. LeVine
Mothers of the nation: right-wing women in Weimar Germany
ISBN 9781859737071 , 2004 , Raffael Scheck
Mothers of the Nation: Right-Wing Women in Weimar Germany
ISBN 9781859737125 , 2004 , Raffael Scheck
Channels of Discourse, Reassembled: Television and Contemporary Criticism
ISBN 9780415080590 , 1992 , Robert Clyde Allen
Green states and social movements: environmentalism in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Norway
ISBN 9780199249039 , 2003 , John Dryzek, Christian Hunold, David Schlosberg,m.fl.
Digital Culture: Understanding New Media
ISBN 9780335221974 , 2008 , Glen Creeber, Royston Martin
Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media
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Television Production
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The Rise and Fall of Arab Presidents for Life: With a New Afterword
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The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion
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Strategies and Tactics of Behavioral Research
ISBN 9780805858822 , 2008
Prevention and Control of Pain in Children: A Manual for Health Care Professionals
ISBN 9780727911780 , 1997 , Royal College of Paediatri
America and the New Epoch
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The Great Depression and the New Deal: A Very Short Introduction
ISBN 9780195326345 , 2008 , Eric Rauchway
A New and Literal Translation of the First Book of Herodotus, by Philomerus
ISBN 9781103111343 , 2009 , Herodotus
Care and Support for Young Separated Refugees Aged 16 and 17 in Germany and the United Kingdom
ISBN 9781861780713 , 2005 , Karen Lyons, Brian Littlechild, Nathalie Huegler
Mother Courage and her children: a chronicle of the Thirty Years' War
ISBN 9780802130822 , 1994 , Bertolt Brecht
'Closing the Gap': American Postmodern Fiction in Germany, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands
ISBN 9789042002975 , 1997
Assessing Children in Need and Their Parents
ISBN 9780864312365 , 1997 , Martin Herbert
Children and the Changing Family: Between Transformation and Negotiation
ISBN 9780415277730 , 2003 , An-Magritt Jensen, Lorna McKee