Søk: 'Condensed Matter Physics: Crystals, Liquids, Liquid Crystals, and Polymers'
Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Nanoscience
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A Course of Exercises in Elementary Physics
ISBN 9781141594375 , 2010 , Harold Whiting
University Physics Vol 2 (Chapters 21-37)
ISBN 9780321500762 , 2007 , A. Lewis Ford, Hugh David Young
Revise AS Physics for OCR A
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Ilrn TST-Prin of Physics 4e
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Barcelona Condensed.: Shopping, Top Sights, Best Eats, Fold-out Maps. The Ultimate Pocket Guide.
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Petroleum Geoscience: From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics
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Studyguide for University Physics by Young, Hugh D.
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A Handbook Of Physics Measurements - Vol I
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Angular momentum: understanding spatial aspects in chemistry and physics
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Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Physics 2009-2010 Edition
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3,000 Solved Problems in Physics
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Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Paul A. Tipler and Gene Mosca's Physics for Scientists and Engineers
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The Cartoon Guide to Physics
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A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics: Groups, Hilbert Space and Differential Geometry
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e-Study Guide for: Sears and Zemansky's University Physics by Hugh D. Young, ISBN 9780805321876
ISBN 9781619069923 , 2012 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews