Søk: 'Contemporary chinese: Contemporary chinese'
Making a performance: devising histories and contemporary practices
ISBN 9780415286527 , 2006 , Helen Nicholson, Emma Govan, Katie Normington
A Practical Reader in Contemporary Literary Theory
ISBN 9780134425672 , 1996 , Peter Brooker, Peter Widdowson
A History Of Pain: Trauma in Modern Chinese Literature and Film
ISBN 9780231141628 , 2008 , Michael Berry
Collective Vision: Creating a Contemporary Art Museum
ISBN 9780933856431 , 1996
Shoveling Smoke: Advertising and Globalization in Contemporary India
ISBN 9780822331452 , 2003 , William Mazzarella
Breakthroughs in Critical Reading: Developing Reading and Critical Thinking Skills
ISBN 9780809209330 , 1994 , Contemporary, Patricia Ann Benner
The Treatment of Cancer by Combined Chinese-Western Medicine
ISBN 9780936185118 , 1989 , Zhang Dai-zhao, Tai-chao Chang
Ethnicity and Social Divisions: Contemporary Research in Sociology
ISBN 9781847184702 , 2008 , Elias Le Grand, Karin Hallden, Zenia Hellgren
The European Mosaic: Contemporary Politics, Economics, And Culture
ISBN 9780582473706 , 2006 , David Gowland, Richard Dunphy, Charlotte Lythe
Environmental and natural resource economics: a contemporary approach
ISBN 9780618496334 , 2005 , Jonathan M. Harris
Beyond Chinatown: New Chinese Migration And the Global Expansion of China
ISBN 9788776940003 , 2007
Chinese Foreign Investment Laws: Recent Developments Towards a Market Economy
ISBN 9789810242244 , 1999 , Zeng Huaqun,m.fl.
Interpreting the Qur?an: Towards a Contemporary Approach
ISBN 9780415365383 , 2005 , Saeed Abdullah
Safe, sane and consensual: contemporary perspectives on sadomasochism
ISBN 9780230517745 , 2007 , Darren Langdridge, Meg Barker
State of play: contemporary "high-end" TV drama
ISBN 9780719073113 , 2007 , Robin Nelson
Illuminating Social Life: Classical and Contemporary Theory Revisited
ISBN 9781412905596 , 2004
Youth in Society: Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice
ISBN 9781412900249 , 2004 , Jeremy Roche, Stan Tucker, Ronny Flynn,m.fl.
Contemporary Britain: a brief guide for students
ISBN 9788200226833 , 1995 , William Mulholland
Contemporary sociological theory: continuing the classical tradition
ISBN 9780131725867 , 1991 , Ruth A. Wallace, Alison Wolf
Explorations in Investigative Psycology and Contemporary "Offender Profiling"
ISBN 9781905894000 , 2006 , D.V. Canter
Contemporary Religiosities: Emergent Socialities and the Post-Nation-State
ISBN 9780857451309 , 2010 , Bruce Kapferer
Contemporary Diplomacy: Representation and Communication in a Globalized World
ISBN 9780745642802 , 2010 , Geoffrey Pigman
The Blackwell Companion to Major Contemporary Social Theorists
ISBN 9781405105958 , 2003 , George Ritzer
A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America
ISBN 9780520248120 , 2006 , Michael Barkun
Integrating Islam: Political And Religious Challenges in Contemporary France
ISBN 9780815751502 , 2006 , Jonathan Laurence, Justin Vaisse
Thinking geographically: space, theory, and contemporary human geography
ISBN 9780826456243 , 2002 , Rob Kitchin, Brendan Bartley, Duncan Fuller
Contemporary Japan: History, Politics, and Social Change since the 1980s
ISBN 9781118315071 , 2012 , Jeff Kingston
Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science: A Multicultural Approach
ISBN 9781557865380 , 1996 , Brian Fay
Classic Readings and Contemporary Debates in International Relations
ISBN 9780534631895 , 2005
Different Wavelengths: Studies Of The Contemporary Women's Movement
ISBN 9780415948791 , 2005 , Richard Florida, Joanne Reger