Søk: 'Crossing the Rapido: A Tragedy of World War II'
A New World
ISBN 9780330351065 , 2001 , Amit Chaudhuri
Making Sense of the Social World: Methods of Investigation
ISBN 9781452217710 , 2012 , Daniel F. Chambliss, Russell K. Schutt
Northern Ireland: The Politics of War and Peace
ISBN 9780230507791 , 2008 , Paul Dixon
The World of Physical Chemistry
ISBN 9780198559191 , 1995 , Keith J. Laidler
Acts of War: The Behaviour of Men in Battle
ISBN 9780304367009 , 2004 , Richard Holmes
A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty
ISBN 9780766185142 , 2004 , Washington Irving
Crossing the border: the social and engineering design of computer integrated manufacturing systems
ISBN 9783540196136 , 1991 , J. Martin Corbett, Lauge Baungaard Rasmussen,m.fl.
The Atlas of Women in the World
ISBN 9781844072002 , 2005 , Joni Seager, Isabelle Lewis (cartographer.)
The Islamic World
ISBN 9780415601917 , 2010 , Andrew Rippin
Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition: Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers
ISBN 9780062292988 , 2014 , 3. utgave , Geoffrey A. Moore
Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam
ISBN 9780195154351 , 2002 , John L. Esposito
The Clash of Civilizations: And the Remaking of World Order
ISBN 9780743231497 , 2002 , Samuel P. Huntington
Building a Nation's Image on the World Wide Web: A Study of the Head of State Websites of Developing Countries
ISBN 9781934043561 , 2007 , Thomas Kenneth Gaither, T. Kenn Gaither
The Cambridge History of the Cold War: Volume 3, Endings
ISBN 9780521837217 , 2010 , Odd Arne Westad
A history of world agriculture: from the neolithic age to the current crisis
ISBN 9781583671214 , 2006 , Marcel Mazoyer, Laurence Roudart,m.fl.
Lord Hailey, the Colonial Office and the Politics of Race and Empire in the Second World War: The Loss of White Prestige
ISBN 9780333800164 , 2000 , Suke Wolton
Covert Action: Central Intelligence Agency and the Limits of American Intervention in the Post-War World
ISBN 9781850430896 , 1988 , Gregory Treverton
World of the Cell with CD-ROM
ISBN 9780321312082 , 2006 , Wayne M. Becker
The Encyclopedia of the Animal World
ISBN 9781850522263 , 1991
Religion and Development: Ways of Transforming the World
ISBN 9780231702522 , 2011 , Gerrie ter Haar
Great Political Thinkers of the World
ISBN 9788188817177 , 2006 , R. N. Sharma
The Quest for the Nazi Personality: A Psychological Investigation of Nazi War Criminals
ISBN 9780805818987 , 1995 , Eric A. Zillmer, Molly Harrower, Barry A. Ritzler,m.fl.
Politics in the Developing World
ISBN 9780199570836 , 2010 , Vicky Randall, Peter Burnell, Lise Rakner
A Bike Ride: 12,000 Miles Around the World
ISBN 9780863696503 , 2010 , Anne Mustoe
A history of world agriculture: from the neolithic age to the current crisis
ISBN 9781844073993 , 2006 , Marcel Mazoyer, Laurence Roudart
Challenges of Policing Democracies: A World Perspective
ISBN 9789057005589 , 2000 , Otwin Marenin, Dilip K. Das, Duncan Chappell
Impressions: a selection of litterature and other art forms from the English-speaking world
ISBN 9788203335693 , 2008 , Annabelle Despard, Elisabeth Ibsen
Rettergang I/II
ISBN 9788291060217 , 2010 , Jo Hov
Skrifter i utvalg [II]
ISBN 9788279902270 , 2014 , Amund Børdahl, Per Buvik, Walter Benjamin,m.fl.
The World of P.G. Wodehouse
ISBN 9780099747208 , 1990 , Jeanette Winterson