Søk: 'Cultural Identities and the Aesthetics of Britishness'
Introducing Cultural and Media Studies: A Semiotic Approach, Second Edition
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Lives Aross Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Development
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Genealogies for the Present: In Cultural Anthropology
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Studying societies and cultures: Marvin Harris's cultural materialism and its legacy
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Feminist Cultural Studies
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Managing cultural differences
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Act Your Age!: A Cultural Construction of Adolescence
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Aesthetics from Classical Greece to the Present: A Short History
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Discourse and the Construction of Society
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Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts
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Cross-cultural business behavior: negotiating, selling, sourcing and managing across cultures
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Adolescent diversity in ethnic, economic, and cultural contexts
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Adolescent diversity in ethnic, economic, and cultural contexts
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Adapting Educational and Psychological Tests for Cross-cultural Assessment
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Against Relativism: Cultural Diversity and the Search for Ethical Universals in Medicine
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Photography: a cultural history
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Cross-cultural Business Behavior: Negotiating, Selling, Sourcing and Managing Across Cultures
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Cultural Theory: An Introduction
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Deconstruction: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies
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Chicana Sexuality and Gender: Cultural Refiguring in Literature, Oral History, and Art
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How to Interpret Literature: Critical Theory for Literary and Cultural Studies
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Cross-Cultural Management: In Work Organisations
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Cognitive Development, Its Cultural and Social Foundations
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Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word
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A Companion to Cultural Geography
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