Søk: 'Digital Graphic Design'
Practical Research: Planning and Design
ISBN 9780137152421 , 2010 , Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Paul D. Leedy
Basics of Web Design: Html5 & Css3
ISBN 9780137003389 , 2011 , Terry Ann Felke-Morris
Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World
ISBN 9780137066995 , 2010 , Christoph Schneider, Joseph S. Valacich
Ship Knowledge: Ship Design, Construction and Operation
ISBN 9789071500183 , 2011 , Klaas van Dokkum
Design Des 21. Jahrhunderts
ISBN 9783822858837 , 2003 , Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell, Doris Ulmann
Product Design and Development
ISBN 9780071232739 , 2003 , Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger
Product Design and Development
ISBN 9780073101422 , 2007 , Steven D. Eppinger, Karl Ulrich
Lighting for Film and Digital Cinematography
ISBN 9780534264987 , 2004 , Maria Viera, Dave Viera, John David Viera
Analogue and Digital Communication
ISBN 9780471326618 , 1977 , W.David Gregg
Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World
ISBN 9780136078401 , 2009 , Joseph Valacich, Christoph Schneider
Digitalfotoskolen: digital fotografering og bildebehandling på pc
ISBN 9788277723389 , 2009 , Toralv Østvang
Sport Design: Four Elements
ISBN 9783823845621 , 2004 , Paco Asensio, Simone K. Schleifer
Design and Design.Com Book of the Year
ISBN 9788492643417 , 2010 , Design and Design.com
At work 1; design- og håndverk = design og handverk
ISBN 9788203333668 , 2006 , Josephine Stenersen, Eva Ulven, Audun Rugset
Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective On Object-Oriented Design
ISBN 9780321247148 , 2004 , Alan Shalloway, James R. Trott
Engineering Design Methods
ISBN 9780471312475 , 1999 , Nigel Cross
Advanced digital signal processing and noise reduction
ISBN 9780470094945 , 2006 , Saeed V. Vaseghi
Management Information Systems: Managing The Digital Firm
ISBN 9780131538412 , 2006 , Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane Price Laudon
Communication systems: analysis and design
ISBN 9780130402684 , 2003 , Harold P. E. Stern, Samy A. Mahmoud,m.fl.
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches
ISBN 9781412995306 , 2012 , John W. Creswell
Industrial Design
ISBN 9780500201817 , 1980 , John Heskett
Chemical engineering design: principles, practice and economics of plant and process design
ISBN 9780750684231 , 2008 , R. K. Sinnott, Gavin P. Towler
User Interface Design and Evaluation
ISBN 9780120884360 , 2005 , Debbie Stone, Caroline Jarrett, Mark Woodroffe,m.fl.
Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits
ISBN 9780080506814 , 2005 , Anant Agarwal, Jeffrey H. Lang
Organizational Traps: Leadership, Culture, Organizational Design
ISBN 9780199639649 , 2012 , Chris Argyris
Den komplette guide til digital fotografering
ISBN 9788251620253 , 2003 , Michael Freeman
Undervisning i endring: IKT, aktivitet, design
ISBN 9788279352266 , 2007 , Andreas Lund, Trond Eiliv Hauge,m.fl.
Advanced Wedding Photojournalism: Professional Techniques for Digital Photographers
ISBN 9781584289944 , 2010 , Tracy Dorr
Basics Design and Living
ISBN 9783764376475 , 2006 , Jan Krebs
Circuit Design with Vhdl
ISBN 9780262162241 , 2004