Søk: 'Digital signalbehandling; VK2 serviceelektronikerfaget, felles moduler'
Image Sensors and Signal Processing for Digital Still Cameras
ISBN 9780849335457 , 2005 , Junichi Nakamura
A Baker's Dozen: Real Analog Solutions for Digital Designers
ISBN 9780750678193 , 2005
Digital fotografering: hvordan ta flotte bilder og forbedre dem med Photoshop
ISBN 9788281731851 , 2009 , Michael Wright, Morten Eckersberg
Digital Communications Test and Measurement: High-Speed Physical Layer Characterization
ISBN 9780132209106 , 2008 , Dennis Derickson, Marcus Muller
Essentials of Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm
ISBN 9780130495426 , 2003 , Jane Price Laudon, Kenneth Craig Laudon
The visual story: creating the visual structure of film, TV and digital media
ISBN 9780240807799 , 2007 , Bruce A. Block
Digital representasjon; av tekster, tall, former, lyd, bilder og video
ISBN 9788274772656 , 2006 , Gerhard Skagestein, Fritz Albregtsen
Beyond Technology: Children's Learning in the Age of Digital Culture
ISBN 9780745638812 , 2007 , David Buckingham
The Filmmaker's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age
ISBN 9780452286788 , 2007 , Steven Ascher, Edward Pincus
Digital image processing: a practical introduction using Java
ISBN 9780201596236 , 2000 , Nick Efford
Digital signal processing: spectral computation and filter design
ISBN 9780195136388 , 2000 , Chi-Tsong Chen
I språket; litteratur- og språkhistorie : norsk for VK1 og VK2
ISBN 9788205243811 , 1998 , Marianne Røskeland, Liv Marit Aksnes,m.fl.
Analog Interfaces for Digital Signal Processing Systems
ISBN 9780792393481 , 1993 , Willy M. C. Sansen, Frank Op 't Eynde
Digital culture, play, and identity: a World of Warcraft reader
ISBN 9780262033701 , 2008 , Jill Walker Rettberg, Hilde G.. Corneliussen
How to be a Record Producer in the Digital Era
ISBN 9780823098965 , 2008 , Megan Perry
Basic Elements of Digital Systems, 1982
ISBN 9780876646748 , 1982 , Richard A. Gilbert, John Anthony Llewellyn
Design of computers and other complex digital devices
ISBN 9780130402677 , 2000 , Sunggn Lee
Digital representasjon: av tekster, tall, former, lyd, bilder og video
ISBN 9788274773189 , 2007 , Gerhard Skagestein, Fritz Albregtsen
The Tools of Government in the Digital Age: Second Edition
ISBN 9780230001435 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Christopher C. Hood, Helen Z. Margetts
Emigre: Graphic Design into the Digital Realm
ISBN 9780471285472 , 1993 , R. Vanderlands, Z. Licko, M.E. Gray
Elektronikk 3; digital- og datateknikk, VK1 elektronikk
ISBN 9788200416418 , 1995 , Hans Wold, Gunnbjørn Flyum
Elektronikk 3; digital- og datateknikk, VK1 elektronikk
ISBN 9788200416425 , 1995 , Hans Wold, Gunnbjørn Flyum
Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing and Delivering E-Learning
ISBN 9780415408745 , 2007 , Helen Beetham
Epos - på nett: litteratur, språk, ord, tekst : veiviser : norsk for grunnkurset - felles allmenne fag
ISBN 9788203330544 , 2003
Return on Engagement: Content, Strategy and Design Techniques for Digital Marketing
ISBN 9780240812830 , 2010 , Tim Frick
Kolon; tekstar frå Kolon grunnbok og Kolon tekstsamling for VK1 og VK2
ISBN 9788252144888 , 1996 , Laila Aase, Kari Marie Thorbjørnsen,m.fl.
Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the Information Millenium
ISBN 9780415249911 , 2001 , Paul Levinson
Advances in Digital Forensics: IFIP International Conference on Digital Forensics, National Center for Forensic Science, Orlando, Florida, February 13-16, 2005
ISBN 9780387300122 , 2005 , Mark Pollitt, Sujeet Shenoi
Beyond Technology: Children's Learning in the Age of Digital Culture
ISBN 9780745638805 , 2007 , David Buckingham
Applied Optimal Control & Estimation: Digital Design & Implementation
ISBN 9780130403612 , 1991 , Frank L. Lewis