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Predicting Religion: Christian, Secular, and Alternative Futures
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Religion Online: Finding Faith on the Internet
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And the Thunder Said Da: Stories of Dharma in the Mythology, Philosophy, and Religion of India.
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Greece, Turkey, Cyprus: Triangle of Conflict - And Opportunity
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Eksistens: religion, etikk, livssyn, filosofi
ISBN 9788205375994 , 2008 , Henry Notaker, Lene Bomann-Larsen,m.fl.
Ethnic Variations in Dying, Death, and Grief: Diversity in Universality
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A community text arises: a literate text and a literacy tradition in African-American churches
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Religion and Corporate Culture Survey Report: Accommodating Religious Diversity in the Workplace
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Predicting religion: Christian, secular, and alternative futures
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Ancestor of the West: Writing, Reasoning, and Religion in Mesopotamia, Elam, and Greece
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Psychology of Religion: Classic and Contemporary
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The War of Gods: Religion and Politics in Latin America
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Strong Religion: The Rise of Fundamentalisms around the World
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Religion i dagens Norge: mellom sekularisering og sakralisering
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Diasporas and Ethnic Migrants: Germany, Israel, and Post-Soviet Successor States in Comparative Perspective
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Selection of Parish Churches in and Around Cranborne Chase, Nadder Valley and the Blackmore Vale: North Dorset, East Somerset and South-West Wiltshire
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Conflict: Human Needs Theory
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Det folk vil ha: religion og populærkultur
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Ancient Israelite Religion
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