Søk: 'Fifty Key Contemporary Thinkers: From Structuralism to Post-Humanism'
A Journey From La Trappe To Rome (1841)
ISBN 9781437457216 , 2009 , Ferdinand Geramb
Enduring military boredom: from 1750 to the present
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The Complete Guide to Painting Pictures from Photos
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Schizophrenia revealed: from neurons to social interactions
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Russia, 1855-1991: From Tsars to Commissars
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The Ambient Century: From Mahler to Moby
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Theatre theories from Plato to virtual reality
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From Antz to Titanic: reinventing film analysis
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From Antz to Titanic: reinventing film analysis
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The Project50 (Reinventing Work): Fifty Ways to Transform Every "Task" into a Project That Matters!
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Laboratory Manual to Accompany Contemporary Electric Circuits: Insights and Analysis
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A World Fit for People: Thinkers from Many Countries Address the Political, Economic, and Social Problems of Our Time--
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Grapes & Wines: A Comprehensive Guide to Varieties and Flavours--the Key to Enjoying Modern Wine
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Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
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Contemporary Macroeconomics (Oip)
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Contemporary World: Architecture
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Imagining Religion: From Babylon to Jonestown
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Strategy in the Contemporary World: An Introduction to Strategic Studies
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Africa and Europe: From Partition to Independence Or Dependence?
ISBN 9780415601443 , 2010 , Amadu Sesay
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
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Understanding Contemporary Latin America
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Leonardo to the Internet: Technology & Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9780801878084 , 2004 , Thomas J. Misa
Melbourne.: From Street Culture to Haute Cuisine.
ISBN 9781740591812 , 2002 , Mark Armstrong, David McClymont
Dimensions of Movement: From Features to Remnants
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The Persistent Power of Human Rights: From Commitment to Compliance
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A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy: Foundations and Prospects
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A Companion to James Joyce's Ulysses: Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives
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The Language of the Spirit: A Visual Key to Enlightenment and Destiny
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The Penguin Guide to Compact Discs & DVDs: The Key Classical Recordings on
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Media and Cultural Studies 2e: Key Works
ISBN 9781405132589 , 2006 , 2. utgave , Douglas M. Kellner