Søk: 'Flag on the mountain: a political anthropology of war in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1990-1995'
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam
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A 'Toxic Genre': The Iraq War Films
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A 'Toxic Genre': The Iraq War Films
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Battlefields (of the Second World War)
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The Dictionary of Modern War
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D'Ri and I: A Tale of Daring Deeds in the Second War with the British. Being the Memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A.
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D'Ri and I: A Tale of Daring Deeds in the Second War with the British. Being the Memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A.
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Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam
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A Practical Treaties on the Cultivation of The Grape Vine on Open Walls.
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A Practical Treaties on the Cultivation of The Grape Vine on Open Walls.
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Political Parties and the Internet
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Yearbook of nordic statistics 1995
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Significant Others: Interpersonal and Professional Commitments in Anthropology
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Cosmo Dictionary of Anthropology
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On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
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Feminism and Anthropology
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