Søk: 'Gender and migration in developing countries'
Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice: Paradoxes in Play
ISBN 9780857935311 , 2012 , Suna Lowe Nielsen, Majbritt Evald
Gender equality: transforming family divisions of labor
ISBN 9781844673254 , 2009 , Erik Olin Wright, Janet C. Gornick,m.fl.
Gender equality: transforming family divisions of labor
ISBN 9781844673261 , 2009 , Erik Olin Wright, Janet C. Gornick,m.fl.
American Muslim Women: Negotiating Race, Class, and Gender Within the Ummah
ISBN 9780814748107 , 2008
Motor Assessment of the Developing Infant
ISBN 9780721643076 , 1994 , Martha C. Piper, Johanna Darrah
Art, Gender, and Sexuality: New Readings of Cernuda's Later Poetry
ISBN 9781902653310 , 2000 , Philip Martin-Clark,m.fl.
Designing Learning Environments for Developing Understanding of Geometry and Space
ISBN 9780805819489 , 1998 , Richard Lehrer, Daniel Chazan
Designing Learning Environments for Developing Understanding of Geometry and Space
ISBN 9780805819496 , 1998 , Richard Lehrer, Daniel Isaac Chazan
China and the Developing World: Beijing's Strategy for the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780765617132 , 2007 , Joshua Eisenman, Eric Heginbotham, Derek Mitchell,m.fl.
Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease
ISBN 9781605474618 , 2012 , Maurice E. Shils, A. Catharine Ross,m.fl.
A Nation of Women: Gender and Colonial Encounters Among the Delaware Indians
ISBN 9780812241822 , 2009 , Gunlög Maria Fur
Gender Codes: Why Women Are Leaving Computing
ISBN 9780470597194 , 2010 , Thomas J. Misa
The Econometrics of Demand Systems: With Applications to Food Demand in the Nordic Countries
ISBN 9780792341062 , 1996 , Per Halvor Vale, David L. Edgerton,m.fl.
Growth and Development, Eighth Edition: With Special Reference to Developing Economies
ISBN 9781403996015 , 2005 , 8. utgave , A.P. Thirlwall
Public Perception of Biosolids Recycling: Developing Public Participation and Earning Trust
ISBN 9781843397106 , 2005 , N Beecher
Developing research questions: a guide for social scientists
ISBN 9781403998156 , 2008 , Patrick White
China and the developing world: Beijing's strategy for the twenty-first century
ISBN 9780765617125 , 2007 , Joshua Eisenman, Eric Heginbotham, Derek Mitchell
The scientific reproduction of gender inequality
ISBN 9788279351627 , 2004 , Helene Ahl
Religion som bevegelse: læring, kunnskap og mediering
ISBN 9788215021287 , 2013 , Geir Afdal,m.fl.
Bound to bond: gender, genre, and the Hollywood romantic comedy
ISBN 9780275972714 , 2001 , Mark D. Rubinfeld
A Shared Experience: Men, Women, and the History of Gender
ISBN 9780814796832 , 1998 , Laura McCall, Donald Yacovone, Mark C. Carnes
Attaining the millennium development goals in India: reducing infant mortality, child malnutrition, gender disparities and hunger-poverty and increasing school enrolment and completion
ISBN 9780195675160 , 2005 , World Bank, Anil B. Deolalikar
Constructing gender and difference: critical research perspectives on early childhood
ISBN 9781572732223 , 1998 , Barbara Kamier
Constructing gender and difference: critical research perspectives on early childhood
ISBN 9781572732230 , 1998 , Barbara Kamier
Computation and Modelling in Insurance and Finance
ISBN 9780521830485 , 2014 , Eric Bolviken
On Reading Prophetic Texts: Gender-specific and Related Studies in Memory of Fokkelien Van Dijk-Hemmes
ISBN 9789004102743 , 1996
Developing reflective practice: making sense of social work in a world of change
ISBN 9781861342386 , 2000 , Helen Martyn, Michael Atkinson
Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud
ISBN 9780674543553 , 1992 , Thomas Laqueur
Teaching History: Developing as a Reflective Secondary Teacher
ISBN 9781412947909 , 2008 , Ian Phillips
Asset Maintenance Management: A Guide to Developing Strategy and Improving Performance
ISBN 9780950646534 , 2002 , Alan Wilson, compiled, devised