Søk: 'History of Europe, Ancient and Medieval: Earliest Man, the Orient, Greece and Rome'
The Making of Polities: Europe, 1300-1500
ISBN 9780521796644 , 2009 , John Watts
Rome Houses
ISBN 9783823845645 , 2004 , Cynthia Reschke
The History and Sociology of Genocide: Analyses and Case Studies
ISBN 9780300044461 , 1990 , Frank Chalk, Kurt Jonassohn
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern, 19 September 1979)
ISBN 9789287165992 , 2009 , m.fl.
Mussolini's Rome: Rebuilding the Eternal City
ISBN 9781403980021 , 2008 , Borden Painter
The Ancient World: A Reading and Writing Approach
ISBN 9780844256252 , 1992 , Ralph D. Sawyer, McGraw-Hill, Peter Townsend
Ancient Taboos And Gender Prejudice: Challenges For Orthodox Women And The Church
ISBN 9780754653448 , 2005 , Leonie Beth Liveris
Fungi of Europe: investigation, recording and conservation
ISBN 9780947643546 , 1993 , David Pegler, Lynne Boddy, Bruce Ing, P. M. Kirk,m.fl.
The AA Key Guide Rome
ISBN 9780749540098 , 2004 , Kathy Gould
The Ancient Mysteries: a Sourcebook: Sacred Texts of the Mystery Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean World
ISBN 9780812216929 , 1999 , Ockert Meyer, Marvin W. Meyer
The Image of Man: The Creation of Modern Masculinity
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Inclusion and Exclusion of Young Adult Migrants in Europe
ISBN 9781409404200 , 2010 , Katrine Fangen, Kirsten Fossan,m.fl.
The History of Jazz
ISBN 9780195399707 , 2011 , Ted Gioia
Europe Since 1945: A Concise History
ISBN 9781403917904 , 2006 , J.Robert Wegs, Robert Ladrech
Europe and England in the Sixteenth Century
ISBN 9780415150415 , 1998 , Terence Alan Morris
The History and Politics of UN Security Council Reform
ISBN 9780415459914 , 2007 , Dimitris Bourantonis
The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology
ISBN 9780262517607 , 2012 , Trevor Pinch, Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes,m.fl.
Cinema of the Other Europe: The Industry and Artistry of East Central European Film
ISBN 9781903364611 , 2003
Cairo.: Where Ancient History Meets Modern Metropolis.
ISBN 9781864501155 , 2002 , Andrew Humphreys
A History of Asia and Oceanica.
ISBN 9781425521165 , 2006 , Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold) Goodrich
Slavery and Public History: The Tough Stuff of American Memory
ISBN 9780807859162 , 2009
The Demolished Man
ISBN 9781857988222 , 1999 , Alfred Bester
The United States and Europe in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780582308640 , 2003 , David Ryan
The American Museum of Natural History's Book of Dinosaurs and Other Ancient Creatures
ISBN 9780671865900 , 1994 , Joseph E. Wallace
Ancient Greek Democracy: Readings and Sources
ISBN 9780631233930 , 2003 , Eric W. Robinson
Ancient Lives and Scientific American Pkg
ISBN 9780131240995 , 2003 , Brian M. Fagan, Scientific American
Bolivia: revolution and the power of history in the present : essays
ISBN 9781900039819 , 2007 , James Dunkerley
Augustan Rome
ISBN 9781853991387 , 1998 , Andrew Wallace-Hadrill
Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Forces of Integration and Fragmentation
ISBN 9783830516354 , 2009 , Gunnar Fermann
A History of the British Isles
ISBN 9780230362062 , 2012 , Jeremy Black