Søk: 'Information for innovation: managing change from an information perspective'
Hollywood in the Information Age: Beyond the Silver Screen
ISBN 9780745603186 , 1994 , Janet Wasko
The Innovation Journey
ISBN 9780195341003 , 2008 , Sankaran Venkataraman, Andrew Van De Ven,m.fl.
Wavelet Analysis: The Scalable Structure of Information : with 92 Figures
ISBN 9780387983837 , 2002 , Howard L. Resnikoff, R. Raymond O'Neil Wells
Information & Communication Technologies in Action: Linking Theory & Narratives of Practice
ISBN 9788763001304 , 2004
Finance for Executives: Managing for Value Creation
ISBN 9780324274318 , 2007 , Claude Viallet, Gabriel A. Hawawini
Exploring Innovation
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Information and Communication Technology in Organizations: Adoption, Implementation, Use and Effects
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An Empowering Approach to Managing Social Service Organizations
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Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective
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An Introduction to Climate Change Economics and Policy
ISBN 9781844078103 , 2009
An Existential-systems Approach to Managing Organizations
ISBN 9781567200355 , 1998 , Joe Kelly, Louise Kelly
Adaptation and human behavior: an anthropological perspective
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A Librarian's Guide to the Internet: Searching and Evaluating Information
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Digital Divide: Civic Engagement, Information Poverty, and the Internet Worldwide
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Information and communication technology in organizations: adoption, implementation, use and effects
ISBN 9781412900898 , 2005 , Harry Bouwman, Bart Van Den Hooff,m.fl.
An Introduction to NURBS: With Historical Perspective
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Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions : an Australian Perspective
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An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change
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Command And Control In The Information Age: Representing Its Impact
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Enterprise Information Systems Assurance And System Security: Managerial And Technical Issues
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Owning Scientific and Technical Information: Value and Ethical Issues
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Owning Scientific and Technical Information: Value and Ethical Issues
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Managing communication processes: from planning to crisis response
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Organizing Innovation: New Approaches to Cultural Change And Intervention in Public Sector Organizations
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Organizational behavior and change: managing diversity, cross-cultural dynamics, and ethics
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The Brics and Emerging Economies in Comparative Perspective: Political Economy, Liberalization and Institutional Change
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Advances in Information Systems Development:: Bridging the Gap Between Academia & Industry
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A Voice of Their Own: A Toolbox of Ideas and Information for Non-instructed Advocacy
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Disrupting Class, Expanded Edition: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns
ISBN 9780071749107 , 2010 , Clayton M. Christensen, Michael B. Horn,m.fl.
Adaptation and Human Behavior: An Anthropological Perspective
ISBN 9780202020433 , 2000 , Lee Cronk, Napoleon A. Chagnon, Willliam Irons