The Origins and Development of the English Language
ISBN 9781428231481 , 2009 , John Algeo, Thomas Pyles
Ear, Nose, And Throat And Head And Neck Surgery: An Illustrated Colour Text
ISBN 9780443073113 , 2006 , Ram S. Dhillon, Charles A. East
Swahili-English/English-Swahili Practical Dictionary
ISBN 9780781804806 , 2000 , Nicholas Awde
Business English
ISBN 9781400020867 , 2005 , Living Language, Maria Isabel Castro Cid,m.fl.
Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry: Text and Clinical Case Presentations Set
ISBN 9780781768504 , 2004 , Mary Anna Thrall, Dale C. Baker, E. Duane Lassen
English - One Tongue, Many Voices
ISBN 9781403918307 , 2006 , Jan Svartvik, Geoffrey Leech
Access to English: social studies
ISBN 9788202423339 , 2014 , John Anthony, Robert Mikkelsen, Richard Burgess
A Classical French Reader Selected From The Best Writers Of That Language, In Prose And Poetry - First Part
ISBN 9781446040270 , 2010 , Nicholas Marcellus Hentz
Heinemann English Readers Advanced Science: Chemicals in Action
ISBN 9780435010904 , 2007 , Ann Fullick, Harcourt Education, Sue Side
Crossover: Practical and Technical English : a Multipurpose Reader
ISBN 9788256266074 , 2006 , Marianne Roald Ytterdal
The Sultan Speaks: Dialogue in English Plays and Histories about the Ottoman Turks
ISBN 9781403974266 , 2007
The Rough Guide to Italian Dictionary Phrasebook 2
ISBN 9781858285788 , 2000 , Lexus
Classical and Christian Ideas in English Renaissance Poetry: A Student's Guide
ISBN 9780415106474 , 1994 , Isabel Rivers
Justice and the Social Context of Early Middle High German Literature
ISBN 9780415936859 , 2001 , Robert G. Sullivan
British and American English Pronunciation
ISBN 9788200225621 , 1996 , Thor Sigurd Nilsen
Archaeology Field Dictionary: English-Russian-English
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Legal English
ISBN 9780582894365 , 2005 , Helen Elizabeth Charlton,m.fl.
The Encyclopaedia of Italian Cooking: 1001 Authentic Recipes
ISBN 9781840923964 , 2003 , Carla Bardi, Christine Sawyer
The English Constitution
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Online Course pack: Exploring Corporate Strategy Enhanced Media Edition Text and cases 7th Edition: text and cases/ organizational behaviour: An Introductory text/ companion website with gradetracker/ student access card
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Molecular Medicine: An Introductory Text
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A Glossary of German Literary Terms
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Computed Tomography for Technologists: A Comprehensive Text
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A Brief Text-Book of Logic and Mental Philosophy
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Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing
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A Conversation Book 1: English in Everyday Life
ISBN 9780131500457 , 2006 , Tina Kasloff Carver, Sandra Douglas Fotinos-Riggs,m.fl.
English Language and Literature for the IB Diploma
ISBN 9781107400344 , 2011
ISBN 9782831578507 , 2004 , Berlitz Publishing
Morphological, semantic and functional aspects of English lexical borrowings in Norwegian
ISBN 9788200129448 , 1998 , Anne-Line Graedler
English Pronouncing Dictionary
ISBN 9780521680868 , 2006 , Peter Roach, Daniel Jones, James Hartman