Søk: 'Managing cultural differences'
Outlines and Highlights for Managing Innovation by Joe Tidd, Isbn: 9780470998106
ISBN 9781428885691 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
The New Cultural History: Essays by ...
ISBN 9780520064294 , 1989 , Lynn Hunt
The Sámi Peoples of the North: A Social and Cultural History
ISBN 9781849042574 , 2014 , Neil Kent
Managing water resources in a changing physical and social environment
ISBN 9788888692357 , 2007 , Peter J. Robinson, Tony Jones, Ming-Ko Woo,m.fl.
Managing and Reforming Modern Public Services: The Financial Management Dimension
ISBN 9780273722816 , 2009
Managing To Collaborate: The Theory And Practice Of Collaborative Advantage
ISBN 9780415339209 , 2005 , Chris Huxham
Valuepack:Physiology of Behaviour(Book alone):International Edition/ Statistics without Maths for Psychology/Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence
ISBN 9781405888240 , 2008 , Professor Christine Dancey, Dr John Reidy
Naturalizing power: essays in feminist cultural analysis
ISBN 9780415908849 , 1995 , Carol Lowery Delaney, Sylvia Junko Yanagisako,m.fl.
Essentials of Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm
ISBN 9780131273115 , 2005 , Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane Price Laudon
Managing Power Electronics: VLSI and DSP-Driven Computer Systems
ISBN 9780471709596 , 2005
Reception Study: From Literary Theory to Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780415926508 , 2001 , James L. Machor, Philip Goldstein
Diversity in Engineering: Managing the Workforce of the Future
ISBN 9780309084291 , 2002 , m.fl.
Cultural Pluralism, Identity Politics, and the Law
ISBN 9780472109111 , 1999 , Austin Sarat, Thomas R. Kearns
Communicating Emotion: Social, Moral, and Cultural Processes
ISBN 9780521553155 , 1999
Communicating Emotion: Social, Moral, and Cultural Processes
ISBN 9780521557412 , 1999
British Cultural Studies: Geography, Nationality, and Identity
ISBN 9780198742067 , 2001 , David (1949- ). Morley, Profesor Kevin Robins
Lives Across Cultures: Cross-cultural Human Development
ISBN 9780205323227 , 2001 , Corinne Kosmitzki, Harry W. Gardiner
Music, Space And Place: Popular Music And Cultural Identity
ISBN 9780754655749 , 2005 , Sheila Whiteley, Andy Bennett, Stan Hawkins
Ageing And Diversity: Multiple Pathways And Cultural Migrations
ISBN 9781861348470 , 2006 , Svein Olav Daatland, Simon Biggs
Déjà Vu: Aberrations of Cultural Memory
ISBN 9780816643349 , 2004 , Peter Krapp
Ireland: a social and cultural history, 1922-2002
ISBN 9780007127566 , 2004 , Terence Brown
Managing Complex Networks: Strategies for the Public Sector
ISBN 9780761955481 , 1997 , R. A. W. Rhodes, Walter J. M. Kickert,m.fl.
Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations
ISBN 9780875844404 , 1993
International Management: International Version: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases
ISBN 9780132545556 , 2011 , Helen Deresky
Accountability: power, ethos and the technologies of managing
ISBN 9780412625602 , 1996 , Rolland Munro, Jan Mouritsen
Cultural studies and the study of popular culture
ISBN 9780748618095 , 2003 , John Storey
Europe After Rome: A New Cultural History, 500-1000
ISBN 9780199244270 , 2005 , Julia Smith
How to Interpret Literature: Critical Theory for Literary and Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780199757503 , 2012 , Robert Dale Parker
Group Support System for Managing the Front End of Innovation
ISBN 9783639084825 , 2008 , Kalle Elfvengreen
Guidelines: A Cross-Cultural Reading/Writing Text
ISBN 9780521657402 , 1998 , Ruth Spack