Søk: 'Natural Resource Economics'
Applied Human Resource Management: Strategic Issues and Experiential Exercises
ISBN 9781412954914 , 2009 , Kenneth M. York
The Economics of Business Strategy
ISBN 9780273676256 , 2003 , John Lipczynski, John O. S. Wilson
The Economics of the Welfare State
ISBN 9780199264971 , 2004 , N. A. Barr
Natural Law, Science, and the Social Construction of Reality
ISBN 9780761829034 , 2004 , Bernie Koenig
English for International Tourism: Teacher's Resource Book
ISBN 9780582237544 , 1997 , Peter Strutt, Jacobs Miriam
Assessing the Financial Benefits of Human Resource Development
ISBN 9780738204574 , 2001 , Richard Swanson
Health Care Economics
ISBN 9780471053613 , 1979 , Paul J. Feldstein
Economics and Write Great Essays
ISBN 9780077115913 , 2005 , Rudiger Dornbusch, David K.H. Begg,m.fl.
Statistics for Business and Economics
ISBN 9780324380255 , 2005 , David Ray Anderson, Thomas Arthur Williams,m.fl.
The Economics of Network Industries
ISBN 9780521805001 , 2001 , Oz Shy
Personnel Economics in Imperfect Labour Markets
ISBN 9780199280674 , 2006 , Pietro Garibaldi
Advances in Financial Economics
ISBN 9780762302994 , 1997 , Mark Hirschey, M. Wayne Marr
Advances in Financial Economics
ISBN 9780762301232 , 1997 , Mark Hirschey, M. Wayne Marr
Like a Natural Woman: Constructing Gender from Performance to Performativity
ISBN 9783639080322 , 2008 , Jennifer Douglas
International economics: theory and policy
ISBN 9780321033871 , 2000 , Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy
ISBN 9780199280988 , 2007 , Stephan Schueller, Charles Van Marrewijk,m.fl.
The European Union: Economics and Policies
ISBN 9780521874434 , 2007 , A. M. El-Agraa
Ecological Economics, Second Edition: Principles and Applications
ISBN 9781597266819 , 2010 , 2. utgave , Joshua Farley
Power System Economics: The Nordic Electricity Market (Second Edition)
ISBN 9788251928632 , 2012 , Ivar Wangensteen
Norwegian Natural Gas: Liberalization of the European Gas Market
ISBN 9788291165301 , 2003 , Ole Gunnar Austvik, Europa-programmet
Ri Im Environmental Economics
ISBN 9780070214996 , 1996
Human resource management: perspectives for the new era
ISBN 9780761994336 , 2000 , Debi S. Saini, Sami A. Khan
Stone Age Economics
ISBN 9780202010991 , 1972 , Marshall David Sahlins
A Course in Monetary Economics
ISBN 9780631215653 , 2004 , Benjamin Eden
Statistics for Business and Economics
ISBN 9780324066715 , 2001 , David Ray Anderson, Thomas Arthur Williams,m.fl.
Chartered Banker Conversion Programme - Financial Economics
ISBN 9780751755893 , 2009 , BPP Learning Media Ltd
Chartered Banker Conversion Programme - Financial Economics
ISBN 9780751755916 , 2009 , BPP Learning Media Ltd
Chartered Banker Conversion Programme - Financial Economics
ISBN 9780751755909 , 2009 , BPP Learning Media Ltd
Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics
ISBN 9780070172203 , 2009 , Douglas A. Lind,m.fl.
Managerial Economics: Theory, Applications, and Cases
ISBN 9780393114430 , 2009 , Edwin Mansfield