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Cognition and Social Behavior
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Case Studies in Japanese Negotiating Behavior
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Pedagogikk for sosialfagene
ISBN 9788276349702 , 2013 , Torkjell Sollesnes
Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Social Systems Approach
ISBN 9780202361154 , 1999 , Ralph E. Anderson, M.E. Carter, Gary R. Lowe
Applied Organizational Communication: Theory and Practice in a Global Environment
ISBN 9780805859416 , 2007 , Mark D. Nelson, Thomas E. Harris (Ph. D.)
Tekstanalyse for samfunnsvitere
ISBN 9788202442927 , 2014 , Øivind Bratberg
Analyzing Politics: Rationality, Behavior and Instititutions
ISBN 9780393971071 , 1997 , Mark S. Bonchek
Electoral Engineering: Voting Rules and Political Behavior
ISBN 9780521536714 , 2004 , Dr Pippa Norris
Brain, Mind, and Behavior Study Guide
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A Closer Examination of Applicant Faking Behavior
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A Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology
ISBN 9780863775246 , 1998 , Pieter Johan Diederik Drenth, Henk Thierry,m.fl.
A Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology
ISBN 9780863775222 , 1998 , Pieter Johan Diederik Drenth, Henk Thierry,m.fl.
A Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology
ISBN 9780863775208 , 1998 , Pieter Johan Diederik Drenth, Henk Thierry,m.fl.
A Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology
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ISBN 9788245014556 , 2013 , Knut Helland, Karl Knapskog, Leif Ove Larsen,m.fl.
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Exam Prep for Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy by Peter, Olson & Olson, 7th Ed.
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Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
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On Studying Organizational Cultures: Diagnosis and Understanding
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ISBN 9780131115927 , 2003 , Robert A. Baron
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ISBN 9780130950086 , 2002 , Michael R. Solomon