Søk: 'Out Now!: A Participant's Account of the American Movement Against the Vietnam War'
The Cold War and the Middle East
ISBN 9780198290995 , 1997 , Avi Shlaim
Women and the American Experience
ISBN 9780073385570 , 2010 , Nancy Woloch
Art Contemporanea in Vietnam
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Evolution’s Eye: A Systems View of the Biology-Culture Divide
ISBN 9780822324720 , 2000 , Susan Oyama
The Art of War: The Essential Translation of the Classic Book of Life
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A Semiotic of Ethnicity: In (Re)cognition of the Italian/American Writer
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A Semiotic of Ethnicity: In (Re)Cognition of the Italian/American Writer
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A Cross of Iron: Harry S. Truman and the Origins of the National Security State, 1945-1954
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Against Nature
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Kvikne?s hotel: a fairy-tale by the Sognefjord
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Chaplin and American Culture: The Evolution of a Star Image
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On board the USS Mason: the World War II diary of James A. Dunn
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End This Depression Now!
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The Economies in Transition: A Guide to China, Cuba, Mongolia, North Korea, and Vietnam at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century
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The Norton Anthology of American Literature: 1865-1914
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ISBN 9781873797297 , 2001 , Duncan Hall