Søk: 'Political Writings'
Condorcet: foundations of social choice and political theory
ISBN 9781858980683 , 1994 , m.fl.
Family, Friends and Followers: Political and Social Bonds in Early Medieval Europe
ISBN 9780521779340 , 2004 , Gerd Althoff
Business and environmental policy: corporate interests in the American political system
ISBN 9780262113052 , 2007 , Michael E. Kraft, Sheldon Kamieniecki
AIDS and Power: Why there is no Political Crisis - Yet
ISBN 9781842777077 , 2006 , Alexander De Waal
A Political And Social History Of Modern Europe Volume 1
ISBN 9781419102745 , 2004 , Carlton J. H. Hayes
Worlds of Power: Religious Thought and Political Practice in Africa
ISBN 9781850657354 , 2004 , Stephen Ellis, Gerrie ter Haar
Worlds of Power: Religious Thought and Political Practice in Africa
ISBN 9781850657347 , 2004 , Stephen Ellis, Gerrie ter Haar
Great Western Political Thinkers (Set Of Vols. 1-12)
ISBN 9788171005635 , 2002 , S. Ramaswamy, Mukherjee S.
Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies
ISBN 9780226138619 , 2003 , Michael C. Dawson
"Privilege and Liberty" and Other Essays in Political Philosophy
ISBN 9780739100776 , 1999 , Aurel Kolnai, Daniel J. Mahoney, Pierre Manent
A Life in Letters: The Personal, the Professional, and the Political
ISBN 9780595409037 , 2006 , Sol Saporta
Electoral Laws and Their Political Consequences (Hc)
ISBN 9780875860640 , 1986 , Arend Lijphart, Bernard N. Grofman
Studyguide for Global Political Economy by Theodore H. Cohn, ISBN 9780205742349: 9780205742349
ISBN 9781467266635 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Social Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe: Making Multicultural Democracy Work?
ISBN 9780230244160 , 2011 , Laura Morales, Marco G. Giugni
Kingship, Rebellion and Political Culture: England and Germany, c.1215 - c.1250
ISBN 9780230302365 , 2011 , Bjorn Weiler
The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research
ISBN 9780745331034 , 2011 , Kate Bayliss, Ben Fine, Elisa Van Waeyenberge
Global Warring: How Environmental, Economic, and Political Crises Will Redraw the World Map
ISBN 9780230621817 , 2010 , Cleo Paskal
An Approach to Political Philosophy: Locke in Contexts
ISBN 9780521436380 , 1993 , James Tully, Quentin Skinner, Lorraine Daston,m.fl.
China in transition: economic, political, and social developments
ISBN 9780819191663 , 1993 , George T. Yu
Blood, land, and sex: legal and political pluralism in Eritrea
ISBN 9780253215772 , 2003 , Lyda Favali, Roy Pateman
Blood, land, and sex: legal and political pluralism in Eritrea
ISBN 9780253342058 , 2003 , Lyda Favali, Roy Pateman
An Asian Century Manifesto: Global Political Economy of the 21st Century
ISBN 9781906844004 , 2008 , Atma Singh
Dissent Events: Protest, Media and the Political Gimmick in Australia
ISBN 9780868406510 , 2002 , Sean Scalmer
The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism
ISBN 9780631228806 , 2004 , Marc Edelman
Society Against the State: Essays in Political Anthropology
ISBN 9780942299014 , 1990 , Pierre Clastres, Robert Hurley, Abe Stein
The Political Lives Of Dead Bodies: Reburial and Postsocialist Change
ISBN 9780231112314 , 2000 , Katherine Verdery
Power, community and the state: the political anthropology of organisation in Mexico
ISBN 9780745319469 , 2003 , Monique Nuijten
The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time
ISBN 9780807056431 , 2002 , Karl Polanyi
Constituting Democracy: Law, Globalism and South Africa's Political Reconstruction
ISBN 9780521781138 , 2000 , Heinz J. Klug
An Approach to Political Philosophy: Locke in Contexts
ISBN 9780521430609 , 1993 , James Tully, Quentin Skinner