Søk: 'Production Management for Film and Video'
Film Theory: An Anthology
ISBN 9780631206545 , 1999 , Toby Miller, Robert Stam
Enterprise Risk Management: Today's Leading Research and Best Practices for Tomorrow's Executives
ISBN 9780470499085 , 2010 , Robert W. Kolb, John Fraser
Film, A Sound Art
ISBN 9780231137775 , 2009 , Michel Chion, C. Jon Delogu
A Methodology for Comparing Costs and Benefits of Management Alternatives for F-22 Sustainment
ISBN 9780833048943 , 2011 , Cynthia R Cook, Michael Boito, John C Graser,m.fl.
Studyguide for Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing by Mikell P. Groover, ISBN 9780132393218: 9780132393218
ISBN 9781428839847 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Natural Gas: Production, Processing, Transport
ISBN 9782710806936 , 1997
Management Accounting for Decision Makers with MyAccountingLab Access Card
ISBN 9780273762263 , 2012 , Eddie McLaney, Peter Atrill
Operations Management
ISBN 9780273708476 , 2007 , Nigel Slack, Robert Johnston, Stuart Chambers,m.fl.
Writing History in Film
ISBN 9780415979245 , 2006 , William Guynn
Physical Examination: Video Demonstration and Study Aids on CD-ROM
ISBN 9780781746755 , 2003 , James E. Meyer, Ockert Meyer
Physical Examination: Video Demonstration and Study Aids on CD-ROM
ISBN 9780781753142 , 2003 , James E. Meyer
Human Resource Management
ISBN 9780077140892 , 2012 , Patrick M. Wright, Raymond Andrew Noe,m.fl.
Craniofacial Trauma: Diagnosis and Management
ISBN 9783540330400 , 2009 , Nicolas Hardt, Johannes Kuttenberger
Environmental Management And Business Strategies
ISBN 9788183564694 , 2009 , S. Mitra
MNCs and Modern Financial Management
ISBN 9788178803289 , 2009 , Harish Chaurasia
Key Readings in Crisis Management: Systems and Structures for Prevention and Recovery
ISBN 9780415315210 , 2006 , Denis Smith Dominic Elliott
Data collection and analysis for tourism management, marketing and planning: a manual for managers and analysts
ISBN 9789284403776 , 2000 , World Tourism Organization
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780136009986 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Phil Kotler
Toward a new film aesthetic
ISBN 9780826428714 , 2008 , Bruce Isaacs
Corporate Decision-Making with Macroeconomic Uncertainty:Performance and Risk Management: Performance and Risk Management
ISBN 9780195335743 , 2008
Flexible Automation in Developing Countries: The impact on scale and scope and the implications for location of production
ISBN 9780203193525 , 2004 , Ludovico Alcorta
Blink; musikken til video i dans
ISBN 9788203141560 , 2002
Gramophone, Film, Typewriter
ISBN 9780804732321 , 1999 , Friedrich Kittler, Geoffrey Winthrop Young,m.fl.
African film and literature: adapting violence to the screen
ISBN 9780231147552 , 2009 , Lindiwe Dovey
African Film and Literature: Adapting Violence to the Screen
ISBN 9780231147545 , 2009 , Lindiwe Dovey
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780273718567 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Framework for Marketing Management: International Edition
ISBN 9780132301428 , 2006 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Principles of Contracting for Project Management
ISBN 9780972672993 , 2006 , Yanping Chen
Anatomy and Physiology of Voice and Speech Production: Elements of Human Communication
ISBN 9781597560344 , 2006 , George L. Charpied
The Hollywood Historical Film
ISBN 9781405146029 , 2008 , Robert Burgoyne