Søk: 'Purchasing and Supply Chain Management'
Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9781856175227 , 2008 , Francis Buttle
Service Operations Management: Improving Service Delivery
ISBN 9780273740483 , 2012 , Robert Johnston
Pinto: Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage Global Edition
ISBN 9780273767428 , 2012 , Jeffrey K. Pinto
The Triple M of Organizations: Man, Management and Myth
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The Mining Valuation Handbook: Mining and Energy Valuation for Investors and Management
ISBN 9780730377078 , 2012 , Victor Rudenno
Marketing Management Global Edition
ISBN 9780273753360 , 2011 , Kevin Lane Keller, Philip (Philip J.) Kotler
Marketing Management for Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9780748727834 , 1998
Brand Society: How Brands Transform Management and Lifestyle
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Understanding Color Management
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An Introduction to Business and Management Ethics
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Distributed storage networks: architecture, protocols and management
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Nature-Based Tourism, Environment and Land Management
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Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice
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Operations Management
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Management Accounting
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Marketing Management
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Marketing Management
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Green Marketing Management
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Modern Database Management
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Management: An Introduction
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Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach
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The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, Operations Management
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Marketing Management: International Edition
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Standard Handbook of Chains: Chains for Power Transmission And Materials Handling
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Fetal medicine: prenatal diagnosis and management
ISBN 9780192619044 , 1995 , Andre Boue, Michel Vekemans, Lola Cartier
Strategic Management of Science and Technology
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Power and Politics in Project Management
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Mintzberg on Management
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Management: Concepts & Practices
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Strategic Market Management
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