Søk: 'SPOR Monograph: Recent Advances in Improved Oil Recovery Methods for North Sea Sandstone Reservoirs'
Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation
ISBN 9780471715344 , 1969 , C.N. Reilley
Research Methods in the Social Sciences [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780716755197 , 2008 , David Nachmias, Chava Frankfort-Nachmias
Quantitative Methods for Business and Management
ISBN 9780077109028 , 2006 , Frank Dewhurst
Spor: teoribok : VKI og VKII
ISBN 9788202218980 , 2003 , Øystein Rottem, Anne Lene Berge
Methods in Behavioral Research with PowerWeb
ISBN 9780072942750 , 2003 , Paul C. Cozby
ISBN 9780071232357 , 2003 , Paul C. Cozby
Advances in Computer Games: Many Games, Many Challenges
ISBN 9781402077098 , 2003 , Jaap van den Herik, Hiroyuki Iida, Ernst A. Heinz,m.fl.
Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering: (Numge 2010)
ISBN 9780415592390 , 2010
Advanced Methods for Conducting Online Behavioral Research
ISBN 9781433806957 , 2010 , Sam Gosling, John Anthony Johnson
Mixing Methods in Psychology: The Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780415186506 , 2004 , Zazie Todd, Suzanne McKeown, David D. Clarke
Mixing methods in psychology: the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in theory and practice
ISBN 9780415186490 , 2004 , Zazie Todd, Suzanne McKeown, David D. Clarke
Mixing Methods in Psychology: The Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780203645727 , 2004 , Zazie Todd, Suzanne McKeown, David D. Clarke,m.fl.
Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography
ISBN 9780195507874 , 2000
Crude Power: Politics and the Oil Market
ISBN 9781845110239 , 2005 , Oystein Noreng
Understanding Sea-Level Rise and Variability
ISBN 9781444334524 , 2007 , John A. Church, Thorkild Aarup, W. Stanley Wilson
Advances in Enhanced Heat/Mass Transfer Enhancement
ISBN 9780791817544 , 1995 , M.M. Ohadi
Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
ISBN 9781559387651 , 1995 , Cheng-Few Lee, Son-Nan Chen
Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition: A Practical Guide
ISBN 9781444334272 , 2011 , Susan M. Gass
Oil and Politics in the Gulf: Rulers and Merchants in Kuwait and Qatar
ISBN 9780521466356 , 1995 , Edmund Burke, Michael C. Hudson, Walid Kazziha,m.fl.
Qualitative Methods in Human Geography
ISBN 9780389208044 , 1988 , David M. Smith, John Eyles
Women, Democracy, and Globalization in North America: A Comparative Study
ISBN 9781403970886 , 2006
Spor; arbeidsbok : VK1 og VK2
ISBN 9788202172459 , 1998 , Inger Marie Stein, Anne Lene Berge,m.fl.
Information Systems Development: Methods-in-Action
ISBN 9780077098360 , 2002 , Brian Fitzgerald, Nancy Russo, Eric Stolterman
Advances in speech, hearing, and language processing
ISBN 9781559383004 , 1992 , W.A. Ainsworth
Advances in Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
ISBN 9781559385923 , 1994 , Cheng F. Lee, Son-Nan Chen
Probabilistic Methods in Structural Engineering
ISBN 9780412222306 , 1984 , Giuliano Augusti, Alessandro Baratta,m.fl.
Alzheimer's Disease: Advances in Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology
ISBN 9781441941954 , 2010
A Beginner's Course in Boundary Element Methods
ISBN 9781581129748 , 2007 , Whye-Teong Ang
Analytical and Approximate Methods in Transport Phenomena
ISBN 9780849334085 , 2007 , Marcio L. de Souza-Santos
Machine Learning Methods in the Environmental Sciences
ISBN 9780511590856 , 2009 , Hsieh