Søk: 'Strategic Management Accounting: Concepts, Processes and Issues'
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ISBN 9780071106979 , 2007 , Richard A. Magill
Biology: Concepts & Connections
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Communicating Emotion: Social, Moral, and Cultural Processes
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Communicating Emotion: Social, Moral, and Cultural Processes
ISBN 9780521557412 , 1999
International Management: Theory and Practice
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Operations Management: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780077169527 , 2014 , William J. Stevenson
Biomechanical transport processes
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The Concepts and Theories of Modern Democracy
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Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials
ISBN 9780132272711 , 2007
Current Issues in Stuttering Research and Practice
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Essential Elements of Career Counseling: Processes and Techniques
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Concepts of Nanochemistry
ISBN 9783527325979 , 2009 , Ludovico Cademartiri, Geoffrey A. Ozin,m.fl.
Digital Design: Basic Concepts and Principles
ISBN 9781420061314 , 2007 , Xinghao Chen, Mohammad A. Karim
Business Processes Student CD
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American intergovernmental relations: foundations, perspectives, and issues
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Cost-benefit analysis: concepts and practice
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Cost Accounting: A Managerail Emphasis
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Statistical Concepts and Methods
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Concepts Techniques And Models Of Computer Programming
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Cell and molecular biology: concepts and experiments
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Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles: Includes Unit Operations
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Cancer and Its Management
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Strategic Thinking: An Introduction and Farewell
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Analysis for Strategic Marketing
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Social Work Processes
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Organizational Behavior: Integrating Individuals, Groups, and Processes
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Accounting for Financial Instruments
ISBN 9780470699805 , 2009 , Cormac Butler
Exploring Strategic Change
ISBN 9780273683278 , 2004 , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Julia Balogun,m.fl.