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Encyclopedia of African History
ISBN 9781579582456 , 2004 , Kevin Shillington
International Trade and the World Economy
ISBN 9780199250042 , 2002 , Charles Van Marrewijk
The European Rescue of the Nation-State
ISBN 9780415216296 , 1999 , Alan Steele Milward, Federico Romero
State in Society: Studying How States and Societies Transform and Constitute One Another
ISBN 9780521797061 , 2001 , Joel S. Migdal, Peter Lange, Robert H. Bates,m.fl.
The Modern State
ISBN 9780415329330 , 2004 , Christopher Pierson
Classroom discourse: the language of teaching and learning
ISBN 9780325003788 , 2001 , Courtney B. Cazden
Evolutionism and Its Critics: Deconstructing and Reconstructing an Evolutionary Interpretation of Human Society
ISBN 9781594513022 , 2006 , Stephen K. Sanderson
Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
ISBN 9780199559466 , 2010 , Alan Cruse
An In-depth Study of the Major Plays of African-American Playwright August Wilson
ISBN 9780773479425 , 2000 , Qun Wang
Teach Yourself. Swahili Dictionary
ISBN 9780340867211 , 2003 , Daisy Valerie Perrott, Joan Russell
Political Theory, Third Edition: An Introduction
ISBN 9780333961803 , 2004 , 3. utgave , Andrew Heywood
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Authoritarianism: Puritanism, Democracy, and Society
ISBN 9781441923813 , 2010 , Milan Zafirovski
Donald Davidson's Philosophy of Language: An Introduction
ISBN 9780631167860 , 1989 , Bjørn T. Ramberg
The European Rescue of the Nation State
ISBN 9780203982150 , 1999 , Alan S. Milward
An Introduction to Psychological Assessment in the South African Context
ISBN 9780195760569 , 2006 , Cheryl Foxcroft, Gert Roodt
Information Technology and the Networked Economy
ISBN 9780030208324 , 2001
Media, Politics And The Network Society
ISBN 9780335213153 , 2004 , Hassan, Robert
The Meaning of Language
ISBN 9780262631082 , 1987 , Robert M. Martin
State of siege
ISBN 9781852428396 , 2003 , Juan Goytisolo, Helen Lane
The European Rescue of the Nation-state
ISBN 9780415216289 , 1999 , Alan S. Milward
The Greeks: history, culture, and society
ISBN 9780139211560 , 2006 , Ian Morris, Barry B. Powell
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam
ISBN 9780674010901 , 2003 , Gilles Kepel, Anthony F. Roberts
Myths of the Archaic State: Evolution of the Earliest Cities, States, and Civilizations
ISBN 9780521521567 , 2005 , Norman Yoffee
Democracy and Dictatorship: The Nature and Limits of State Power
ISBN 9780745619125 , 1997 , Norberto Bobbio
Studyguide for International Political Economy by Thomas Oatley, ISBN 9780205060634
ISBN 9781467274784 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Essential Swahili Dictionary: Teach Yourself
ISBN 9781444104080 , 2010 , D.V. Perrott
Lineages of the Absolutist State
ISBN 9780860917106 , 1979 , Perry Anderson
Language and Human Relations: Styles of Address in Contemporary Language
ISBN 9780521870627 , 2009 , Michael Clyne, Heinz Kretzenbacher, Catrin Norrby,m.fl.
English-Swahili Dictionary
ISBN 9788176504980 , 1989
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam
ISBN 9781845112578 , 2006 , Gilles Kepel