Søk: 'Systems Analysis And Design'
Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL
ISBN 9780123742704 , 2008
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Analysis, Strategy, Planning and Practice
ISBN 9781408018965 , 2009 , Arjan J. Van Weele
Communication systems
ISBN 9780471178699 , 2001 , Simon S. Haykin
Digital Design with CPLD Applications and VHDL
ISBN 9781401840303 , 2004 , Robert K. Dueck
Management Control Systems
ISBN 9780071254106 , 2006 , 12. utgave , Robert Newton Anthony
Discourse Analysis
ISBN 9781405144278 , 2007 , Barbara Johnstone
Conversation Analysis
ISBN 9780745638652 , 2008 , Ian Hutchby, Robin Wooffitt
Process Measurement and Analysis: 1
ISBN 9780849310836 , 2003 , Bela G. Liptak
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
ISBN 9780071287500 , 2007 , Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce Barrington Abbott
Theoretical Numerical Analysis: A Functional Analysis Framework
ISBN 9781441904577 , 2009 , Weimin Han
A Game Architecture and Design
ISBN 9780735713635 , 2003 , Dave Morris, Andrew Rollings
Aulton's Pharmaceutics: The Design And Manufacture of Medicines
ISBN 9780443101083 , 2007 , Michael E. Aulton
MEMS & Microsystems: Design, Manufacture, and Nanoscale Engineering
ISBN 9780470083017 , 2008 , Tai-Ran Hsu
Structural Equation Modeling and Natural Systems
ISBN 9780521546539 , 2006 , James Grace
Chemistry and Analysis of Radionuclides: Laboratory Techniques and Methodology
ISBN 9783527326587 , 2010 , Jukka Lehto, Xiaolin Hou
Analysis 1
ISBN 9783540403715 , 2009 , Konrad Kc6nigsberger
Numerical Analysis
ISBN 9780321783677 , 2011 , Timothy Sauer
Real and Complex Analysis
ISBN 9780071002769 , 1987 , Walter Rudin
Doing News Framing Analysis: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives
ISBN 9780415992367 , 2010 , Paul D'Angelo
Genetics: Analysis of Genes and Genomes
ISBN 9780763772154 , 2009 , Elizabeth W. Jones, Daniel L. Hartl
Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation
ISBN 9780073379661 , 2009 , Stephen H. Penman
Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
ISBN 9780792395751 , 1995 , Hua Li, Madan M. Gupta
Formsans og design
ISBN 9788279352396 , 2008 , Bjørn Rybakken
Multilevel Analysis: Techniques and Applications
ISBN 9780805832198 , 2002
Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design
ISBN 9780470519264 , 2008 , Nigel Cross
Research Design (International Student Edition): Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
ISBN 9781452274614 , 2013 , John W. Creswell
Cost-benefit analysis: concepts and practice
ISBN 9780131435834 , 2006 , Anthony E. Boardman, Aidan R. Vining,m.fl.
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780534399429 , 2006 , 3. utgave
Digital Design: Basic Concepts and Principles
ISBN 9781420061314 , 2007 , Xinghao Chen, Mohammad A. Karim
Digital Design and Basic Electrical Circuits
ISBN 9781846581748 , 2005