Søk: 'The United States, Western Europe and the Polish Crisis'
Entrepreneurship, cooperation and the firm: the emergence and survival of high-technology ventures in Europe
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Central and Eastern Europe, 1944-1993: Detour from the Periphery to the Periphery
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Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order
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American Hegemony and the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe
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Citizenship in Nordic Welfare States: Dynamics of Choice, Duties and Participation in a Changing Europe
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Asian Regional Governance: Crisis and Change
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A history of world agriculture: from the neolithic age to the current crisis
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Prospects and Risks Beyond EU Enlargement: Vol. II: Southeastern Europe: Weak States and Strong International Support
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Eyes off the Prize: The United Nations and the African American Struggle for Human Rights, 1944-1955
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Modern Welfare States: Scandinavian Politics and Policy in the Global Age
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Modern Welfare States: Scandinavian Politics and Policy in the Global Age
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The European Union and Central and Eastern Europe: the implications of enlargement in stages
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(Re)constructing Armenia in Lebanon and Syria: Ethno-cultural Diversity and the State in the Aftermath of a Refugee Crisis
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A Contribution to the Oceanography of the Pacific Compiled from Data Collected by the United States Steamer Nero While Engaged in the Survey of a Route for a Trans-Pacific Cable
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Approaches to the History of the Western Family 1500-1914
ISBN 9780521557931 , 1995 , Michael Anderson, Economic History Society
The Anthropology of Europe: identity and boundaries in conflict
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Acre 1291: Bloody Sunset of the Crusader States
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Crisis: The Anatomy of Two Major Foreign Policy Crises
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Western Balkans
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After the USSR: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Politics in the Commonwealth of Independent States
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Council Recommendation of ... on the Broad Guidelines of the Economic Policies of the Member States and of the Community
ISBN 9789282420003 , 2001 , Council of the European Union
The Age of Chance: Gambling in Western Culture
ISBN 9780203978306 , 2002 , Gerda Reith
From the Soviet Bloc to the European Union: The Economic and Social Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe since 1973
ISBN 9780521729505 , 2009 , Ivan T. Berend
States, Nations and Nationalism
ISBN 9780631196334 , 1996 , Hagen Schulze
Mass media, modernity, and development: Arab states of the Gulf
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Medicine as culture: illness, disease and the body in Western societies
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Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding
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The Crisis of liberal democracy: a Straussian perspective
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The barbarians speak: how the conquered peoples shaped Roman Europe
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